Literature Podcasts

Librivox: Love and Freindship by Austen, Jane show

Librivox: Love and Freindship by Austen, JaneJoin Now to Follow

Love and Freindship [sic] is a juvenile story by Jane Austen, dated 1790, when Austen was 14 years old. Love and Freindship (the misspelling is one of many in the story) is clearly a parody of romantic novels Austen read as a child. This is clear even from the subtitle, "Deceived in Freindship and Betrayed in Love," which neatly undercuts the title. Written in epistolary form, it resembles a fairy tale as much as anything else, featuring wild coincidences and turns of fortune, but Austen is determined to lampoon the conventions of romantic stories, right down to the utter failure of romantic fainting spells, which always turn out dreadfully for the female characters. In this story one can see the development of Austen's sharp wit and disdain for romantic sensibility, so characteristic of her later novels. Summary revised from Wikipedia by Cori Samuel. Music from Schubert's Fantasy in C Major , at .

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Katie, The Ordinary Witch  show

Katie, The Ordinary Witch Join Now to Follow

Katie is an ordinary girl apart from one thing - she's a witch and can do magic spells. Her stories are among the most popular at Her stories are written by Bertie and read by Natasha.

By Storynory

Librivox: Metal Monster, The by Merritt, Abraham show

Librivox: Metal Monster, The by Merritt, AbrahamJoin Now to Follow

The Metal Monster is an Abraham Merritt fantasy novel. Dr. Goodwin is on a botanical expedition in the Himalayas. There he meets Dick Drake, the son of one of his old science acquaintances. They are witnesses of a strange aurora-like effect, but seemingly a deliberate one. As they go out to investigate, they meet Goodwin's old friends Martin and Ruth Ventnor, brother and sister scientists. The two are besieged by Persians as Darius III led when Alexander of Macedon conquered them more than two thousand years ago. The group is saved by a magnificent woman they get to know as Norhala. She commands the power of lightning and controls strange metal animate Things, living, metallic, geometric forms; an entire city of sentient cubes, globes and tetrahedrons, capable of joining together and forming colossal shapes, and wielding death rays and other armaments of destruction. They are led to a hidden valley occupied by what they name "The Metal Monster", a strange metal city occupied by the metal animate Things Norhala commands This city is governed by what they call the Metal Emperor, assisted by the Keeper of the Cones. Ruth is slowly being converted by Norhala to become like her; her little sister. Martin, her brother, tries shooting the Metal Emperor, who retalliates with a ray blast, putting Martin in a comatose state. Closed in between the Metal Monster and the Persians, it falls to Goodwin and Drake to find a way to escape their predicament. (Summary Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Zwei Märchen by Storm, Theodor show

Librivox: Zwei Märchen by Storm, TheodorJoin Now to Follow

Die Regentrude Einen so heißen Sommer hat es schon seit hundert Jahren nicht mehr gegeben. Das Gras vertrocknet auf den Wiesen und das Vieh verdurstet. Mutter Stine ist sich sicher, die Regentrude muss eingeschlafen sein. Ihr Sohn Andrees und die junge Maren machen sich zusammen auf, den Feuerteufel zu überlisten und den Weg zur schlafenden Regentrude zu finden. Hinzelmeier Der kleine Hinzelmeier ist gar nicht erstaunt darüber, dass seine Eltern immer jung und schön bleiben. Als er fast erwachsen ist, erfährt er das Geheimnis seiner Familie und macht sich auf in die Welt, um ein Handwerk zu lernen und jenen geheimnisvollen Garten zu finden, in dem eine Rosenjungfrau auf ihn wartet, die auch ihm ewige Jugend und Glück bringen kann. (Summary by Hokuspokus)

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Librivox: Dorothy Dale - A Girl of Today by Penrose, Margaret show

Librivox: Dorothy Dale - A Girl of Today by Penrose, MargaretJoin Now to Follow

Dorothy Dale is the daughter of an old Civil War veteran who is running a weekly newspaper in a small Eastern town. Her sunny disposition, her fun-loving ways and her trials and triumphs make clean, interesting and fascinating reading. The Dorothy Dale Series is one of the most popular series of books for girls ever published. (from the book)

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How to Fix a Broken Record  show

How to Fix a Broken Record Join Now to Follow

Everybody has some broken records, negative messages that rattle around in our souls. Join author and spoken word poet Amena Brown as she unpacks the themes from her non-fiction book How to Fix a Broken Record with a different guest each episode. Through compelling interviews, cackling, and conversation, Amena and guests discuss life, love, faith, and broken records while reviewing the soundtracks of their lives.

By Amena Brown

Librivox: Ascension du mont Ventoux, L' by Pétrarque, François show

Librivox: Ascension du mont Ventoux, L' by Pétrarque, FrançoisJoin Now to Follow

Au printemps 1336, François Pétrarque entreprend avec son frère l'ascension du mont Ventoux, qui, de ses 1912 mètres, domine le Comtat Venaissin et la Provence. C'est cette ascension et son pendant mystique que François Pétrarque relate, le jour même, dans une lettre datée du 26 avril, à son ami et confesseur Dionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro, lettre qui fut ensuite publiée sous le titre L'ascension du mont Ventoux. Le texte original est en latin. Il a été traduit en français en 1880 par Victor Develay. (de Aldor)

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Librivox: Life of the Spirit and the Life of Today, The by Underhill, Evelyn show

Librivox: Life of the Spirit and the Life of Today, The by Underhill, EvelynJoin Now to Follow

Underhill emphasizes the practical, here-and-now nature of spiritual life. She argues that spirituality is a genuine and abiding human fact, and that any complete description of human life must find room for the spiritual factor, and for the religious life in which it finds expression.

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Librivox: Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagenden by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von show

Librivox: Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagenden by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang vonJoin Now to Follow

Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagenden von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832) Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagenden ist ein Roman von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Er gilt als die persönlichste aller Goetheschen Dichtungen. 1821 erschien die erste Fassung, 1829 die vollständige. Ihr fehlen die vorangestellten Gedichte des Fragments von 1821. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Misérables, Les Vol. 1 by Hugo, Victor show

Librivox: Misérables, Les Vol. 1 by Hugo, VictorJoin Now to Follow

An ex-convict breaks parole and starts a new life as a righteous man, but is pursued by a police inspector. Along the way, the ex-convict joins a revolution, adopts a daughter, and beats people up. Hooray. (Summary by smileyman457)

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