Literature Podcasts

Librivox: African-American Collection by Various show

Librivox: African-American Collection by VariousJoin Now to Follow

This collection recognizes Black History Month, February 2007. Two excellent resources for public domain African American writing are African American Writers (Bookshelf) and The Book of American Negro Poetry , edited by James Weldon Johnson. Johnson's collection inspired the Harlem Renaissance generation to establish a firm African-American literary tradition in the United States. (Summary by Alan)

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Librivox: History of Holland by Edmundson, George show

Librivox: History of Holland by Edmundson, GeorgeJoin Now to Follow

The title, "History of Holland," given to this volume is fully justified by the predominant part which the great maritime province of Holland took in the War of Independence and throughout the whole of the subsequent history of the Dutch state and people.(Summary from book prologue)

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Librivox: Few Figs from Thistles, A by Millay, Edna St. Vincent show

Librivox: Few Figs from Thistles, A by Millay, Edna St. VincentJoin Now to Follow

A collection of 23 poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay.

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Librivox: Millionaerens Pilegrimsfaerd by Moller, Otto Martin show

Librivox: Millionaerens Pilegrimsfaerd by Moller, Otto MartinJoin Now to Follow

Hvad nu om man kunne gøre sit liv om - eller i det mindste bare gennemleve sin ungdom en gang til? Måske kræver dette hverken mirakler, opstandelse eller genfødsel, men blot at man beslutter at gøre det - at man beslutter sig for at gå tilbage til hvor den svundne tid to sin begyndelse og starter forfra. Det er i hvert fald hvad romanens hovedperson Niels Faber sætter sig for. Millionærens Pilegrimsfærd er en roman, der til trods for at den blev skrevet for mere end hundrede år siden, stadig er aktuel for ethvert menneske som på et tidspunkt i tilværelsen har skuet tilbage og tænkt den tanke at livet kunne have formet sig anderledes. Romanen er forfatterens sidste. Otto M. Møller døde i en alder af otteogtredive år. Forfatteren skrev den mens han var døende og han havde formentlig en forudanelse af hvad der ventede ham. Måske derfor rummer dele af fortællingen nogen bitterhed. Romanen rummer dog også en hyldest til verdens skønhed, den dejlige natur og til det ærlige jævne menneske. I dag, i det enogtyvende århundrede, kan vi derudover glæde os over at bogen giver et sjældent godt øjebliksbillede af det almindelige menneskes hverdagsliv i Danmark omkring 1890'erne. Summary by Kristoffer Hunsdahl

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Librivox: To the United States of America by Bridges, Robert show

Librivox: To the United States of America by Bridges, RobertJoin Now to Follow

In celebration of Independence Day in the United States, 2007, LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 different recordings of To the United States of America by Robert Bridges. This was the Weekly Poetry project for the week of July 1st, 2007. (Summary by Sean McKinley)

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Librivox: Dr. Esperanto’s International Language, Introduction and Complete Grammar by Zamenhof, L. L. show

Librivox: Dr. Esperanto’s International Language, Introduction and Complete Grammar by Zamenhof, L. L.Join Now to Follow

In July 1887, Esperanto made its debut as a 40-page pamphlet from Warsaw, published in Russian, Polish, French and German: all written by a Polish eye-doctor under the pen-name of Dr. Esperanto (“one who hopes”). Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhof (1859-1917) had a gift for languages, and a calling to help foster world amity: by a neutral “Internacia Lingvo” that anyone anywhere could readily use as a second language: neither forsaking a mother tongue, nor imposing it. In 1889 Zamenhof published an English translation by Richard H. Geoghegan, a young Irish linguist. All five are respectively considered the “First Book”. This classic sets forth Esperanto pretty much as we know it today (except that we no longer use internal apostrophes for composite words). Its original repertoire of 900 root words has grown tenfold in the past century, but you can still almost make do with the vocabulary herein. -- Summary by Gene Keyes

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Librivox: Chronicles of Canada Volume 06 - The Great Intendant : A Chronicle of Jean Talon in Canada 1665-1672 by Chapais, Thomas show

Librivox: Chronicles of Canada Volume 06 - The Great Intendant : A Chronicle of Jean Talon in Canada 1665-1672 by Chapais, ThomasJoin Now to Follow

Talon worked closely with lieutenant-general Prouville de Tracy to achieve the surrender of the Iroquois in 1627, thereby ending the threat that had hung over the colony for 20 years. Although Talon did not join the troops in the field, at Tracy's request, he had a very large share in the success of the French arms through his constant and meticulous care in placing at the disposition of the army everything that was necessary for the war, despite the poverty of the colony, the lack of roads, and the distances. Summary by Wikipedia.

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Librivox: Revelation of Baha-ullah in a Sequence of Four Lessons, The by Brittingham, Isabella Matilda Davis show

Librivox: Revelation of Baha-ullah in a Sequence of Four Lessons, The by Brittingham, Isabella Matilda DavisJoin Now to Follow

Isabella Matilda Davis Brittingham was a significant early American Bahá'í and was posthumously designated by Shoghi Effendi as one of the 19 Disciples of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Heralds of the Covenant. She was born in 1852, the daughter of Benjamin Davis, who was a grandson of John Morton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Her sister-in-law heard about the Bahá'í Faith in 1897 and in 1898 Isabella herself became a part of the nascent American Bahá'í community. In September 1901, Isabella went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where she met 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the leader of the Bahá'í Faith and son of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh. She used the knowledge she gained there to write "The Revelation of Baha-ullah in a Sequence of Four Lessons", which was published by the Bahai Publishing Society of Chicago in 1902. There were nine editions of this work, the last being in 1920. It was one of the earliest accurate accounts of the Bahá'í Faith published in the West. The main purpose of the book is to demonstrate the truth of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation through Biblical prophecy.

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Librivox: Multilingual Poetry Collection 002 by Various show

Librivox: Multilingual Poetry Collection 002 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. (Summary by David Barnes).

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Librivox: Main Street by Lewis, Sinclair show

Librivox: Main Street by Lewis, SinclairJoin Now to Follow

Carol Milford is a liberal, free-spirited young woman, reared in the metropolis of Minneapolis. She marries Will Kennicott, a doctor, who is a small-town boy at heart. When they marry, Will convinces her to live in his home-town of Gopher Prairie, Minnesota. Carol is appalled at the backwardness of Gopher Prairie. But her disdain for the town's physical ugliness and smug conservatism compels her to reform it. (Summary from Wikipedia).

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