Literature Podcasts

Librivox: Defiant Agents, The by Norton, Andre show

Librivox: Defiant Agents, The by Norton, AndreJoin Now to Follow

Travis Fox and a band of fellow Apache AmerIndians have their racial memories and survival abilities enhanced by the Redax machine and are sent to the planet Topaz, one of the few worlds of the ancient star empire that the US has voyage tapes to. But the Reds have "snooped" the tapes and get there first, and have a nasty surprise waiting for any ship that does not have the proper identification. Travis and some of his fellow Apaches survive the ensuing crash landing...but can they defeat the Reds and win Topaz for themselves? This work is a sequel to both The Time Traders and Galactic Derelict. It is book 3 in the Time Traders series by Andre Norton, which also includes Key Out of Time. (Summary by Paul Williams)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Comédie Humaine, La : 01 - Scènes de la vie privée tome 1 (25-6-42) by Balzac, Honoré de show

Librivox: Comédie Humaine, La : 01 - Scènes de la vie privée tome 1 (25-6-42) by Balzac, Honoré deJoin Now to Follow

Ce n'était pas une petite tâche que de peindre les deux ou trois mille figures saillantes d'une époque, car telle est, en définitif, la somme des types que présente chaque génération et que La Comédie Humaine comportera. Ce nombre de figures, de caractères, cette multitude d'existences exigeaient des cadres, et, qu'on me pardonne cette expression, des galeries. De là, les divisions si naturelles, déjà connues, de mon ouvrage en Scènes de la vie privée, de province, parisienne, politique, militaire et de campagne. Dans ces six livres sont classées toutes les Études de moeurs qui forment l'histoire générale de la Société, la collection de tous ses faits et gestes, eussent dit nos ancêtres... Les Scènes de la vie privée représentent l'enfance, l'adolescence et leurs fautes, comme les Scènes de la vie de province représentent l'âge des passions, des calculs, des intérêts et de l'ambition. Puis les Scènes de la vie parisienne offrent le tableau des goûts, des vices et de toutes les choses effrénées qu'excitent les moeurs particulières aux capitales où se rencontrent à la fois l'extrême bien et l'extrême mal… (Extrait de l’avant-propos des Scènes de la vie privée Tome I de Honoré de Balzac)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Popular History of France from the Earliest Times vol 1, A by Guizot, Francois show

Librivox: Popular History of France from the Earliest Times vol 1, A by Guizot, FrancoisJoin Now to Follow

François Pierre Guillaume Guizot (October 4, 1787 -September 12, 1874) was a French historian, orator, and statesman. Guizot was a dominant figure in French politics prior to the Revolution of 1848, actively opposing as a liberal the reactionary King Charles X before his overthrow in the July Revolution of 1830, then in government service to the "citizen king" Louis Philippe, as the Minister of Education, 1832-1837, ambassador to London, Foreign Minister 1840-1847, and finally Prime Minister of France from September 19, 1847 to February 23, 1848. His "Popular History of France" is an attractive and engrossing narravative, here presented in an easily readable English translation. (Summary from Wikipedia with additions by Karen Merline)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Horror Story Collection 003 by Various show

Librivox: Horror Story Collection 003 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

An occasional collection of 10 horror stories by various readers. We aim to unsettle you a little, to cut through the pink cushion of illusion that shields you from the horrible realities of life. Here are the walking dead, the fetid pools of slime, the howls in the night that you thought you had confined to your more unpleasant dreams.

By LibriVox

Librivox: Winter: A Dirge by Burns, Robert show

Librivox: Winter: A Dirge by Burns, RobertJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox volunteers bring you 20 different recordings of Winter: A Dirge by Robert Burns. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of January 13th, 2008.

By LibriVox

Librivox: Meine Emancipation, Verweisung und Rechtfertigung by Aston, Louise show

Librivox: Meine Emancipation, Verweisung und Rechtfertigung by Aston, LouiseJoin Now to Follow

1845, Louise Aston lebt als geschiedene Frau in Berlin und bewegt sich in intellektuellen Kreisen. Sie raucht in der Öffentlichkeit und trägt Männerkleider. Anonyme Beschwerden über sie führen zu polizeilicher Überwachung. Schließlich wird sie als "staatsgefährliche Person" aus Berlin ausgewiesen. In ihrem 1846 erschienen Buch "Meine Emancipation, Verweisung und Rechtfertigung" legt sie ihren Fall der deutschen Öffentlichkeit vor und plädiert leidenschaftlich für die Gleichheit der Geschlechter und das Recht der Frau auf freie Entfaltung ihrer Persönlichkeit. (Summary by Hokuspokus)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Love Letter Collection 2008 by Various show

Librivox: Love Letter Collection 2008 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox readers have cast their nets wide to create this small collection of letters and poems, from fiction and from life, from heart to heart and from soul to soul. With love for St Valentine. (Summary by Peter Yearsley)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The by Brontë, Anne show

Librivox: Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The by Brontë, AnneJoin Now to Follow

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall , the second and final novel by Anne Brontë, is concerned with the story of a woman who leaves her abusive, dissolute husband, and who must then support herself and her young son. Originally published in June of 1848, it challenged the prevailing morals of the time; a critic went so far as to pronounce it "utterly unfit to be put into the hands of girls." It is considered to be one of the first feminist novels. (Summary from Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart by Wolff, Betje show

Librivox: Historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart by Wolff, BetjeJoin Now to Follow

Sara Burgerhart is een typisch boek voor de Verlichting, een literaire stroming in de achttiende eeuw. De hoofdpersoon Sara streeft in er in dit boek naar een zo goed mogelijke burger te zijn en daarnaast staat het 'zelf denken' van de mens centraal. Dit zorgt er dus voor dat dit boek kenmerkend is voor de Verlichting. Het boek bestaat uit 175 brieven geschreven door 24 personen.

By LibriVox