Non Profit Podcasts

香港電台:義行多國度 show

香港電台:義行多國度Join Now to Follow

由香港電台電視部與公民教育委員會聯合製作,十三集義工紀實故事,每集跟隨一位香港義工出發,緊貼他們在不同地方、不同社群的服務情況,表現出義務工作背後那份忘我的心態與貢獻精神。 當中七集更遠赴海地、非洲馬拉維、印度、柬埔寨、菲律賓、中國等地,紀錄香港人在不同國家、文化、社會環境所貢獻的力量,及義工背後的喜樂與各種感受,期望透過這些義行故事,令觀眾有更寬闊的視野,並燃起對不同種族生活困境的關懷之情。 各集主題: 1.非洲媽媽 - 在非洲馬拉維照顧孤兒的香港主婦Mila 2.新橋.心橋 - 參與中國甘肅建橋工作的父親阿恩 3.仁醫之行 - 在菲律賓義診的年青中醫師Dennis 4.金邊的彩虹 - 為柬埔寨愛滋病兒童帶來笑容的社工Winsy 5.種樹的人 - 延續丈夫遺志,在中國植樹扶貧的謝太 6.重建路漫漫 - 援助海地地震災民的醫學生Lucci 7.愛在印度另一端 - 在印度救助婦女的女醫生阿Bea 8.打開心窗的天使 - 服務香港失明人士的前空姐Angela 9.有祥的世界 - 全心為香港傷殘人士服務的祥仔 10.巧手剪關懷 - 香港的「丐幫幫主」阿周 11.這個冬天不太冷 - 為需要人士義務理髮的Vivian 12.義工火車頭 - 繼承父志的青年義工Carson 13.服務弱勢社群的Sunny 播映日期: 2011年1月1日至3月26日,逢星期六,晚上八時至八時三十分,亞洲電視本港台播映。


CFR Meeting Highlights show

CFR Meeting HighlightsJoin Now to Follow

Videos of meetings held by the Council on Foreign Relations in mp4 format. For other formats, please visit our site:

By Council on Foreign Relations

Inside CFR Events (Video) show

Inside CFR Events (Video)Join Now to Follow

A chance to go inside Council on Foreign Relations events. Watch world leaders and foreign policy experts discuss and debate the most pressing issues in international affairs.

By Council on Foreign Relations

CFR On the Record show

CFR On the RecordJoin Now to Follow

A chance to go inside Council on Foreign Relations events. Listen to world leaders and foreign policy experts discuss and debate the most pressing issues in international affairs.

By Council on Foreign Relations Podcasts show PodcastsJoin Now to Follow

Offering short analysis in Q&A form from the editorial staff of the Council on Foreign Relations on vital foreign policy and national security topics several times a week and frequent interviews with CFR authors on their latest books.

By Council on Foreign Relations

CHAMPS Podcast show

CHAMPS PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The CHAMPS are a group of young men involved in the Make It Happen program at Neighbors in Action. Make It Happen is a program that offers therapeutic services, advocacy, and mentorship to young men of color who have been impacted by violence. The CHAMPS (Community Healers And Mentors for Personal Success) are a group of peer mentors who are leaders within their communities. These are their stories. Neighbors in Action (formerly known as the Crown Heights Community Mediation Center) is a project of the Center for Court Innovation. Make It Happen is funded by the Office of Victims of Crime.

By Make It Happen

ASCE Plot Points Podcast show

ASCE Plot Points PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Telling the story of civil engineering one civil engineer at a time

By American Society of Civil Engineers

The Art of Inclusion show

The Art of InclusionJoin Now to Follow

Flipping the script on who we include, who we don’t, and how we can do better - in everything from gender, race, mental health and disability, through to the inclusion of LGBTQI+ and Indigenous communities. You'll hear stories from fascinating people of all stripes, with reflection from experts and policy makers, who'll help you master The Art of Inclusion. Brought to you by Diversity Council Australia, or DCA.

By Diversity Council Australia

First Peoples Disability Network (Australia)'s Mobcast show

First Peoples Disability Network (Australia)'s MobcastJoin Now to Follow

First Peoples Disability Network (Australia) is a national organisation of and for Australia’s First Peoples with disability, their families and communities. Its purpose is to promote respect for human rights, secure social justice, and empower First Peoples with disability to participate in Australian society on an equal basis with others. We are the custodians of the narratives of First Peoples with disability, their families and communities and we recognise this important responsibility. Because ours is an oral history, we continue this by recognising the value of our peoples’ narratives and collecting this as data, which informs our work and the work of others.

By First Peoples Disability Network (Australia)

Quick Tips for Christian Ministry show

Quick Tips for Christian MinistryJoin Now to Follow

Professional and personal development for Christians working in ministry and Christian service.

By Refresh Ministries