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Established in 2017 by ANS member and show host Doug Hardtmayer, aims to cover all pertinent topics related to the nuclear industry. Bi-weekly episodes are available. These information-filled podcasts consist of recent news, plus a special guest.

Hardtmayer, an engineer with MPR Associates, Inc. in Alexandria, VA. received his M.Sc. in nuclear engineering from Ohio State University in 2018, with a research focus on molten salts, electrorefining, and radiation detection.

RadioNuclear is always looking for interesting guests, for insight on complex topics, or for dialogue on important nuclear issues. ANS members: If you would like to be a guest on the show, or know of another ANS member that is knowledgeable on a particular topic of interest, contact us at

About the American Nuclear Society
The American Nuclear Society is the premier society for nuclear industry professionals and advocates. Our individual membership ranks include more than 10,000 engineers, scientists, educators, students, and environmentalists. Society members hail from more than 1,600 corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies from over 40 different countries. More than 80 industry-leading companies support ANS as Organization Members.

Our Vision: Nuclear technology is embraced for its vital contributions to improving people’s lives and preserving our planet.

Our Mission: Advance, foster, and spur the development and application of nuclear science, engineering, and technology to benefit society.

View the full ANS Strategic Plan:

To join our community, please visit

Life Is A Marathon

Life Is A Marathon

The Life is a Marathon show gives you inspiration, motivation, and resources to empower you to thrive and win in the marathon we call “life!” Bruce Van Horn is a Transformational Life Coach, Mentor, Thought Leader, Best-Selling Author, Empowering and Motivational Speaker, Dad, and Marathon runner who loves you too much to let you live an ordinary life. His personal motto is "Life is a Marathon, so let's train for it!" He brings his respected insight, wisdom, perspective, thought leadership, and storytelling abilities to this podcast to share with you information, life training tips, entertaining and heart-warming stories with the goal of helping you to transform your life, change your ordinary life into Extraordinary, build your self-esteem, recognize your value to the world, and live as the fullest expression of who you were created to be. Your thinking defines who you are in every way. Your mindset, how you think about yourself, others, and the world around you, effects your self-esteem, self-image and self-worth and personal branding. It also controls the way you perceive the world and how you interact with others. You can change your life by changing your thoughts. Use this podcast as your personal mentoring program as you transform your life by the renewing of your mind. When you find peace within yourself, know your life's purpose, and have a clear vision of what you want in life, you will have the emotional endurance to go the distance in life!

Escaping the Maze Podcast - A podcast devoted to prodigal sons and daughters through Biblical Scripture and commentary on news, politics, even entertainment as signs

Escaping the Maze Podcast - A podcast devoted to prodigal sons and daughters through Biblical Scripture and commentary on news, politics, even entertainment as signs

I'm Roberta Ripley a writer, podcaster, obviously, and life long Detroiter. In 2014 I came closer to end of a long journey through New Age, Shamanistic studies and secular Western philosophy. None of these things answered fully the questions I had about life or informed me how to form my relationship with The Most High God, Creator of Heaven and Earth until I read the Bible. We are in the days returned of Noah and Lot and most people have abandon their faiths without truly studying it for themselves. As many of their Churches have no power and seeing misguided and corrupted religious clergy doesn't help encourage faith humanity needs not loose it's Greatest Armor against the darkness. We need to stop looking to men or (women) as examples of Godly behavior and walk learn the know the God and his word for ourselves by reading Biblical Scripture. This podcast is for the prodigal children and for those who kept the faith who wish to fellowship as Christians and non-Christian's who've recognized the teachings of the Bible as the key to understanding all the bizarre occurrences around us and in the world. This podcast is for everyone open to learn and for those who believe in deliverance through Jesus Christ and the Most High God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Listen as knowledgeable guests, who are our brothers and sisters in Christ, educate you on Biblical Scripture, and explore the signs of the times through news, politics, entertainment with your compassionate host, Roberta Ripley.

Strategia IT

Strategia IT

Riflessioni e considerazioni per adottare una strategia IT (Information Technology) nell'ambito Web (

"I dati utili arriveranno in futuro da conversazioni/interazioni volontarie tra brand e persone."

C’è chi è appassionato di tecnologia
Chi di business
Io a comprendere come la tecnologia permetta al business di funzionare

se sei interessata/o agli argomenti del podcast e vuoi davvero creare business online ed essere attiva/o (non c'è spazio per chi vuole solo ricevere e non dare) puoi raggiungerci sul gruppo telegram "Strategia IT"

articoli, tutorial ed episodi >

La principale differenza di fare Business Online rispetto a quello Offline è quella di costruire il proprio business su asset tecnologici e sfruttare interamente i modelli di business che meglio si combinano tra loro.

Si dice prima la strategia poi la tecnologia.

Esistono strategie di comunicazione, di marketing, di business,
sembrerebbe esistano strategie in ogni ambito.

La più sottovalutata è la strategia IT, quella strategia che rende possibile online tutte le altre.

Capire la tecnologia ci aiuta a scegliere e capire come allineare la stessa ai bisogni del business.

Se trascuri una sola componente, tra quelle fondamentali del tuo business, avrai impatti sui tuoi obiettivi.

Ci preoccupiamo di tutti i nostri asset? Quello tecnologico, se non banalizzato, può fruttare più di quanto pensiamo.

Vuoi fare Business Online? Segui Strategia IT!

Audio Guide de Paris gratuit

Audio Guide de Paris gratuit

AUDIO GUIDE DE PARIS par WWW.CITYZEUM.COM Bienvenue sur le premier audio guide gratuit de Paris! Les plus grands monuments (Tour Eiffel, Arc de Triomphe, Panthéon, Sacré Coeur…), musées (Louvre, Beaubourg, Orsay,…), places et rues (Concorde, Vosges, Champs Elysées,…), jardins (Bois de Boulogne, Tuileries), quartiers (Saint Germain, Montmartre, Madeleine, Opera, Marais…) … y sont commentés sous forme de visites audio. Vous pourrez y découvrir l’essentiel du lieu, son histoire, et parfois des anecdotes. Chaque extrait est indépendant, dure entre 1 et 5 minutes, et vous offre donc une très grande liberté de visite, sans passer par un chemin prédéfini. Si vous avez besoin de cartes pour vous guider, consulter notre site web qui vous proposera en outre différents itinéraires. Ce podcast vous permettra aussi d’avoir accès aux informations pratiques (horaires, adresses, prix,…) de chaque site touristique dans la description de chaque séquence audio mp3. Si vous en voulez plus, retrouvez plusieurs dizaines d'heures de balades audio, plus de 1000 sites touristiques, avec des coins de plus en plus insolites en consultant Abonnez vous, c’est gratuit ! D'autres destinations sont disponibles ou ouvriront très bientôt sur : Barcelone, Madrid, Londres, Bruxelles, Marrakech, Fès, Goa, Rome, Amsterdam, Florence, Sicile, Turquie, Venise, Florence, Saint-Petersbourg, Moscou, Prague, Vienne, Angkor, Tokyo, New York, Inde du Sud, Rajasthan, Grèce, Egypte, Lyon, Lille, Corse, Châteaux de la Loire, Route des vins, Bretagne, Provence, Bourgogne, Champagne, Provence, Vendée Marseille, Rouen, Reims, Poitiers, Avignon, Aix, Nantes, France, Italie, Ireland, Maroc, Merveilles du Monde, Patrimoine mondial, Les plus belles plages,… NB : certains de ces podcasts existent aussi en version anglaise.

La Academia de Marketing Online

La Academia de Marketing Online

Aprende las claves para construir un negocio rentable y generar ingresos sostenibles en Internet con la ayuda de profesionales extraordinarios que compartirán sus éxitos (y sus fracasos) en el mundo de los negocios online. Este programa es para personas que quieren aprender a crear su propio negocio en Internet, para PYMES y emprendedores que quieren multiplicar la rentabilidad de su negocio existente, y también para personas normales que quieren aprender a ganar un dinero extra con el marketing digital paso a paso. Oscar Feito – un respetado emprendedor en Internet con más de 15 años de experiencia – te ayudará a identificar las claves para multiplicar tu audiencia, las técnicas más eficaces para monetizar tu tráfico, y la motivación necesaria para alcanzar cualquier objetivo que te propongas. En La Academia de Marketing Online aprenderás a elegir una temática para tu negocio en Internet, valorar nichos de mercado, analizar la competencia, crear contenidos virales y de alto valor añadido, generar tráfico en Internet utilizando SEO y redes sociales como Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+ o Pinterest, interactuar con tu audiencia a través del e-mail marketing, escalar tu negocio a través del outsourcing, crear ingresos pasivos y distintas técnicas de marketing digital incluyendo explotación publicitaria, patrocinios y venta de contenidos para generar ingresos sostenibles y recurrentes. Aquí también encontrarás las claves mentales para ser más eficaz en tu negocio, y la motivación para perseverar hasta que cumplas tu objetivo. Para más información, visita y si te gusta el programa no olvides valorar y dejar un comentario.

Leadership Biz Cafe with Tanveer Naseer

Leadership Biz Cafe with Tanveer Naseer

Internationally-acclaimed keynote and TEDx speaker, award-winning leadership writer, and author Tanveer Naseer sits down with today’s top leadership experts to explore insights and tools to help leaders take on the challenges and opportunities found in leading today’s workplaces.

You'll also hear Tanveer's unique perspective on leadership in his popular "Leadership Espresso Shot" series, where he shares insights from speaking to audiences across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia on how you can improve your leadership craft and be that leader your employees need to succeed and thrive.


Join Tanveer as he speaks with Tom Peters, Guy Kawasaki, Robin Sharma, Jim Kouzes, Stephen M.R. Covey, Liz Wiseman, Doug Conant, Faisal Hoque, Tim Sanders, Whitney Johnson, Adam Bryant, Sally Helgesen, and many other experts about leadership, communication, teamwork, organizational culture, and other timely topics.

Ranked as one of the Top 2.5% podcasts in the world, "Leadership Biz Cafe with Tanveer Naseer" will give you the tools, insights, strategies, and motivations to transform your leadership and drive your organization's growth and longevity.

As Inc. Magazine put it - "This podcast feels like you're sitting down for a cup of coffee with two leadership experts to learn about how to become that leader our employees need us to be."

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Librivox: Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, The -  Version 2 by Twain, Mark

Librivox: Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, The - Version 2 by Twain, Mark

It was published in 1893–1894 by Century Magazine in seven installments, and is a detective story with some racial themes. The plot of this novel is a detective story, in which a series of identities — the judge's murderer, Tom, Chambers — must be sorted out. This structure highlights the problem of identity and one's ability to determine one's own identity. Broader issues of identity are the central ideas of this novel. Twain's multiple plots and thrown-together style do serve to inform a central set of issues, with the twins, Pudd'nhead, and Tom and Chambers all serving as variations on a theme. The themes are slavery, tradition, and nature vs. nurture. To a lesser extent, Southern society and first impressions are also touched upon, and the novel is one of the first to use fingerprints as a means of unique identification, as it was not until 1897 that the world's first Fingerprint Bureau opened in Calcutta. One of Twain's major goals in this book was to exploit the true nature of Racism at that period. Twain used comic relief as a way to divulge his theme. The purpose of a comic relief is to address his or her opinion in a less serious way, yet persuade the reader into thinking the writers thoughts. Twain's use of satire is visible throughtout the book. Twain's use of colloquialism(dialect) and local color as features of Naturalism to convey his theme, is impressive and ahead for his time.(Summary by Wikipedia)

One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond is back. Whether it’s to hike a local trail or climb a distant mountain, move to a new country or travel somewhere new, run a first 5k, go rock climbing, tackle sexism in soccer or undertake an ultra-marathon, write to relieve PTSD or take up wildlife photography, this is the show for people looking to step outside their comfort zone and enrich their life. Join author, runner, broadcaster, and traveler Tony Fletcher every month on the podcast all about positively engaging with the world outside our door.

Sign up for a free weekly newsletter from Tony; as well as news about this and his other show, The Fanzine Podcast, you'll get a weekly weekend long read. All in your Inbox for free from

Whether it’s to hike a local trail or climb a distant mountain, move to a new country or just travel somewhere new, run a first 5k, go rock climbing, tackle sexism in soccer or undertake an ultra-marathon, write to relieve PTSD or this is the show for you: people looking to step outside their comfort zone and enrich their life. Over the course of 40+ episodes, our shows have featured guests from Kenya, Nepal, Tanzania and Colombia, as well as the USA and UK, talking about .

Those guests have included: the rock star who established the cancer foundation Love Hope Strength, and the former professional athlete behind the soccer-based initiative Equal Playing Field; an Afghan war veteran who became the first double above-knee amputee to climb Mt Kilimanjaro unaided; a Zen Buddhist teacher who authored a book on running; one American who moved to Bogota and set up an art colony; and another who gave up dreams of becoming a professional ventriloquist to instead find a new life as an award-winning wildlife photographer.

We have talked to the pioneering female founder of Africa's first running shoe company, to a family that traveled round the world together for over two years, and to a teacher who founded a travel company to support students of color, along with several of those students. We have also talked to amateur adventurers of all ages who have set themselves fierce goals - like walking the length of India, or running the Sparta course in Greece unaided - and achieved them. The show includes several episodes recorded on location, beginning with a 4-part documentary about climbing Kilimanjaro, but also including in-the-field tips on hiking without navigational tools and running on trails; how to master an ultra-marathon; and how to give up your possessions and start a new life. Shows generally stay under an hour, include additional commentary and information, and do not shy away from current affairs.

Tony Fletcher is the British-born author of best-selling biographies of Keith Moon, Wilson Pickett, R.E.M. and The Smiths, as well as a memoir, a novel and many other books on or about music. In 2016, he backpacked around the world with his then-wife and 11-year old younger son. In 2019 he hosted and wrote “It's A Pixies Podcast." A keen runner, with dozens of road and trail marathons to his name, he lives in Kingston, New York.

Follow One Step Beyond:

Instagram is OneStepBeyondPodcast

Facebook is One Step Beyond with Tony Fletcher

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Navigating Parenthood

Navigating Parenthood


Being a parent can be the greatest and the hardest thing you’ll ever do. In Navigating Parenthood, brought to you by HCF, parents and experts share their stories – the joys and stress, the advice and the insight.

In the first 3 seasons of our podcast series, we explore the most challenging periods of any parent’s life: from taking those first baby steps in season 1, Baby Steps, to staying in step with our teens in season 2, Talking to Teens, to the juggles and struggles of raising healthy happy kids in season 3, Imperfect Parents.

In season 4, Growing Great Tweens, our host Dylan Lewis chats to parents about those years between 8 and 12, when our kids are navigating the journey from childhood to teenage-hood, providing tips on how to talk to and connect with our tweens along the way.

With special guests like Pia Miranda, Susie Maroney, Robbie Buck, Meshel Laurie, Sean Szeps, Andy Saunders, and David McCormack (who you might know as the voice of Bluey’s Dad), we explore topics like identity, resilience, technology and the online universe, friendships, and more.

Listen to the episodes below.


This podcast contains general health information and shouldn't be relied on as medical advice. If you have any health concerns, speak to your doctor. HCF doesn't endorse any statements or opinions made during the podcast. If the podcast makes you feel depressed or anxious and you need to talk to someone straight away, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.