Search for "information systems"

UC Berkeley School of Information

UC Berkeley School of Information

Lectures, seminars, talks, and events held at UC Berkeley's School of Information.

The Real Estate Investor's G.P.S. for Systematic Success

The Real Estate Investor's G.P.S. for Systematic Success

Real estate investing tips that you can put into action right away to help you succeed as a real estate investor. You'll discover tips on how to buy, renovate, lease, sell, and systemize your real estate investments. Hosted by real estate consultant and author of "The 5 Key Elements of Systematic Real Estate Investors," Alan Brymer.

Prevenir Robo De Identidad: Información Destacada

Prevenir Robo De Identidad: Información Destacada

Encuentra lo más relevante en cómo protegerse del Robo De Identidad, Noticias al Dia. Con consejos y ideas para prevenir el robo de identidad en los menores de edad y toda la familia. Mas en Entrevistas con profesionales en las áreas afectadas que provoca el robo de identidad.

LaborNews: Information about most of us

LaborNews: Information about most of us

This podcast is the result of many years of listening news broadcasts, commercial or otherwise, that seem to be addressed to a country of multimillionaires, living of the proceeds of properties as well as the earnings from an unlimited source of stocks that Wall Street pours on our coffers. ````The fact is, over 100 millon full time salaried workers make, in average, just $643 a week. On top of that, nowadays workers have to pay higher health care costs, higher fees for education, higher gasoline prices, plus looking at ever diminishing retirement funds. ````Why isn't there a single program on radio or TV, or a single regular column on a major newspaper regularly addressing the interests and concerns of regular people, salaried workers struggling hard to make ends meet? Countless conspiracy theories could be developed, many of them very likely to be true. Suffice to say that the American ideal is no longer an honest and hardworking man or woman, but a clever home-day-trader, or a outrageously paid CEO. If the rest of us can't make it into one of those two categories, it's only our fault, and we deserve what we get. ````What to do, then? Put our little grain of sand on this endless beach of ideas called the Internet, and provide those who want to hear and learn, with the information scattered but never organized in a recognizable shape that could be of interest to... most of us. ````Enjoy, contribute, suggest, and pass the word. Peace.

The Insurance Information Institute Podcast Channel

The Insurance Information Institute Podcast Channel

Learn About Insurance from the Go-To Source

The Massage Therapy Schools Information Podcast

The Massage Therapy Schools Information Podcast

Welcome to the Massage Therapy Schools Information Podcast, where we provide all the information you need to establish a successful career as a Massage Therapist. We simplify all the information out there to make your life easier as you begin your career as a Massage Therapist. Our podcast includes information on state specific training and certification requirements, schooling information, step-by-step job search and hiring process information, salaries, career growth tips, information on potential employers, interviews tips to help you get hired, interviews with successful massage therapists, business owners and employers and much more.

Exploring Information Security - Timothy De Block

Exploring Information Security - Timothy De Block

The Exploring Information Security podcast interviews a different professional each week exploring topics, ideas, and disciplines within information security. Prepare to learn, explore, and grow your security mindset.

Claritas Podcasts - Adding Intelligence to Information

Claritas Podcasts - Adding Intelligence to Information

Marketing perspectives provided by Claritas clients, partners and industry experts. Claritas has provided companies with the most accurate and reliable marketing research demographic data, marketing software and market segmentation services to make the smartest business decisions. Discover how Claritas can help you increase profitability, select the best site locations and market more efficiently and effectively by targeting your most profitable customers.

1031 Exchange Blog - 1031 Exchange Information

1031 Exchange Blog - 1031 Exchange Information

Learn the ins and outs of investing in 1031 real estate. Have a question? Ask us you 1031 exchange questions by emailing