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Doctor Money Matters

Doctor Money Matters

Welcome to the Doctor Money Matters podcast.

I am your host Dr. Tarang Patel, a practicing diagnostic radiologist in Phoenix, AZ.

I started this podcast as a way to share knowledge about financial matters as they relate to health care professionals. We spent many years learning about the science and art of providing patient care but most of us have relatively little knowledge about reaching financial well being. I know that I had no formal training in setting up investment accounts, negotiating contracts, buying insurance, buying real estate, etc. I just learned by reading and also by making many mistakes. Health care professionals are trusted to take put their patients needs first and we in turn assume everyone in other fields work the same way. Unfortunately this is not always true.

By talking about these topics, I hope we can reduce the many financial mistakes that prior generations of doctors have made. Those physicians were able to overcome these mistakes because of shorter training periods, less debt, and they were more likely to be in private practice. Today we no longer have those luxuries and many of us have significant debt burdens. The good news is that we also have access to information that the prior generation never had.

A little background about me. As I said before I am a practicing radiologist in Phoenix, AZ. I went to undergrad at Indiana U. (Go Hoosiers), medical school at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (Now AT Still Univ) in Missouri, moved east and did my radiology residency at New York Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center in Manhattan. I then moved west to serve my Air Force commitment at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, NV. I then did a fellowship in Body/Musculoskeletal Imaging at Mayo Clinic Arizona. Since I finished training I have been in a hospital employed group for the last 6 years.

I have always enjoyed learning about finance and have read (listened to) many of the financial books. I also spent time reading on the forum which I found to be a valuable source of information. Finally I just observed that many of my colleagues and I had the same questions about relatively basic financial matters but it was difficult to find clear answers.

Hopefully you find these podcasts useful. I encourage you to subscribe to them, that way you will be updated when any episodes are released automatically. Also please let your friends and colleagues know about this podcast.

Please give us good feedback on iTunes, Google Play and stitcher and if you have suggestions on topics or how to improve the podcast please send your emails to
Social media links:
twitter @drmoneymatters

Please understand that this show is for entertainment and education only and you should do your own research and speak with the appropriate experts prior to making any changes in regards to material you may have heard on the show. The opinions from the guests on this show are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the host or of Doctor Money Matters, LLC.

The Inside Out Entrepreneur® Podcast

The Inside Out Entrepreneur® Podcast

How do you start, build and grow a successful online business that makes you money? How do you become a better business person? How do you find customers online and then know what they will buy? How do you move forward when you struggle with everything from self doubt, lack of confidence and limiting beliefs to full on self sabotage? Why does your brain feel like it isn’t working properly sometimes? How do you silence your inner critic? How do you get more motivation, direction and focus in your life? Welcome to the Inside Out Entrepreneur show where each week, podcast host and multi 7 figure online business owner Suzi Belmont discusses everything about starting, building and growing an online business from the inside out. From email marketing, building a team, creating online courses and online marketing - right through to how you successfully manage those tasks by building up your mindset, productivity and mental health to cope with the demands of entrepreneurship, this is where you will find a warts and all journey about building an online business based on the honest truth. If you are someone who is determined to take control of your career, income and life and kick some ass to get to where you want to be, you will find the support you need here. Are you in? Great, hit subscribe and get ready to change your life and business from the inside out.



Employee Hiring and Managing Tips podcast provides quick and easy to implement tips and strategies for anyone charged with finding, hiring and managing employees. Get timely advice on the best practices for hiring, managing difficult employees, creating employee policies and procedures, or anything related to human resources and the overall supervisor/employee experience.````Do you have a question about hiring? How to manage difficult employees? You’ve come to the right place! At Easy Small Business, our mission is to give you the information that you need, and guide you through the steps that you can take to help you manage your staff successfully. The information is presented in a way that is easy to understand and implement, so you don’t need any prior exposure to human resources. We want to take the mystery out of “human resources” and employee management for you.````About the host: Dianne Shaddock is the Principal and Founder of Easy Small Business Dianne has worked successfully for over 20 years as a Human Resources Professional at several premier health care institutions as well as an Ivy League University in the Northeast using her expertise to consult with senior, middle and new managers on employer best practices for hiring, firing, employee management, retention, dealing with difficult employees, and salary/pay among other management issues.````Both managers and employees at all levels have benefited from Dianne’s straightforward, and easy to implement human resources advice. And now, you can too!

Librivox: Alienista, O by Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria

Librivox: Alienista, O by Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria

O Alienista, de Machado de Assis, é um pequeno romance sobre loucura, cientificismo e poder. O enredo se desenrola a partir dos esforços científicos de um importante médico português, o dr. Simão Bacamarte, cuja obsessão pela busca de um método universal para tratar e curar distúrbios mentais leva os habitantes da pequena cidade de Itaguaí ao terror, conspiração e a tentativas de revolução. Em pouco tempo, o hospício do dr. Bacamarte passa a tratar não só os doentes mentais, mas também os sãos, que, segundo o diagnóstico do médico, poderiam vir a desenvolver doenças mentais. O Alienista tem como tema a crítica ao cientificismo arbitrário e sua influência em elementos políticos e culturais. The Psychiatrist is a tragicomic literary piece on madness, scientism and power. It follows the scientific efforts of Dr. Simão Bacamarte, a prominent Portuguese physician whose obsession for discovering a universal method to treat and consequently cure mental disturbs drives the inhabitants of the small town of Itaguaí to fear, conspiracy and revolutionary attempts. In a short space of time, Bacamarte's madhouse passes to take inside of its walls not only mentally ill patients but also healthy citizens who, according to the doctor's diagnoses, are about to develop some sort of mental illness. The Psychiatrist stands out as a highly ironic critic to the arbitrary of Scientism and its influence on cultural and political matters. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Leni)

Voice Lessons.  Learn to sing with these online video and audio singing lessons featuring popular voice coach Shelley Kristen from

Voice Lessons. Learn to sing with these online video and audio singing lessons featuring popular voice coach Shelley Kristen from

The Complete Singing Voice Lesson Series, Video and Audio Voice Training program with professional voice coach, Shelley Kristen. These podcasts are a great way to learn how to sing, and are guaranteed to take your voice to the next level! These popular lessons, as found at and various other sites throughout the net, have successfully helped singers from all over the globe. Visit the website at to read entire course descriptions, get free lessons, hear audio samples, and read testimonials from several of our students. This course is designed for everyone from beginners to touring professionals, males and females, and all vocal styles. World Vision Artist, singer, songwriter Shelley Kristen has coached several students to National award winning prominence. One of her students made it into the top seven on American Idol! Her popular training program entitled, "The Complete Singing Voice Lesson Series", covers everything from proper technique, vocal health care, how to breathe properly and associated exercises, warm-up and strengthening exercises, and performance. Shelley's down to earth, contemporary, and easy to understand methods are refreshing in the world of often eccentric, over-the -top vocal instructors. Her most current video project "Total Breathing", is fantastic for singers as well as public speakers and people that want to use a breathing program for stress reduction. See and hear excerpts from this video on this podcast. For Shelley's complete course, and other helpful nuggets for your singing, go to ENJOY!

A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles

Living A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. The only way to experience that amazing healing is to live the teachings of A Course in Miracles day by day. To succeed requires practical application, and on this program, Rev. Jennifer Hadley supports you in that! In each week's episode, Rev. Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. Hear how Jennifer's commitment to truly living the principles has transformed her life and led her to teach tens of thousands of spiritual students how to use the practical tools she's discovered for living with more peace, joy, and freedom. In this program, Rev. Jennifer Hadley interviews many beloved teachers of ACIM so you can discover the practical steps they took to walk the talk and transform their lives in the areas of self-esteem, relationships, health, prosperity, and more. Listen in, and then take the pledge to live the teachings of A Course in Miracles on Facebook. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

The James Neilson-Watt Show

The James Neilson-Watt Show

Your favorite show has just gotten better! Level up your game in whatever field you’re in as you learn only from the best, the most successful, and the most interesting people of today! Find inspiration in what they do, marvel at the depth of their insights, and be driven by their success. Understand the decisions they had to make that led them to where they are in life. Trace back the steps they have to take, the traits and habits they live by, and the tools they leverage which you can either adapt or adjust to make it work for your purpose. This is The James Neilson-Watt Show and get ready to elevate! “The knowledge, insights, and things that I share are valid for anyone who wants to be happier, have more financial success, more business success, more relationship success. The new show is heavily focused on that.” - James Neilson-Watt The James Neilson-Watt Show is a weekly interview podcast featuring high profile people and their stories of success, their struggles and pains, and how they rose above them to be where they are today. This is dedicated to everyone who aspires to be a notch higher in life, in business, in health, in wealth, in happiness, and even in mindset. Each episode is designed to inspire you, to motivate you, to guide you, and to push you out of your comfort zones so you can level up!

Future Quake Podcast

Future Quake Podcast

Future Quake is a two hour, intelligent interview and talk show that intends to eduate it listeners, and even sometimes warn them, about issues that could negatively impact them if they are not informed, and prepared properly. We cover all aspects of societal concerns, including developments in technology, medicine and health, transportation, economics, a little politics, social and particularly spiritual issues, from a Biblical, Christian world view and mindset. While we cover very weighty and serious topics, we try to keep the discussion humorous and light with our bizarre senses of humor, and with copious additions of irony, in all but the most serious of topics. This show is a streamlined version of the daily "Future Quake" radio show aired weekly on WENO, AM 760 in Nashville, TN, with this show archived at (older shows are also available there). The podcast comprises an approximate 90 minute interview with newsmakers on a weekly topic (with prior guests such as Alvin Toffler, author of "Future Shock", Sheriff Joe Arpaio (America's Toughest Sheriff), Dr. Chuck Baldwin (2008 Presidential nominee of the U.S. Constitution Party), as well as new voices that listeners should be aware of), followed by Tomorrow's Tremors, or "Today's Review of The Future's News", with a discussion between the hosts regarding compelling recent news wire stories that might otherwise be overlooked by listeners, but with information that could impact them in the future.

Early Brain and Biological Development and Addiction, UME Podcast Series

Early Brain and Biological Development and Addiction, UME Podcast Series

The podcast series has been designed to offer an introduction to the subject of early brain and biological development and its connection to addiction. The podcast series includes a set of episodes on core concepts of early childhood development which illustrate how childhood experiences shape brain development to either provide a strong foundation for lifelong health and wellbeing or confer vulnerability to disease. The early childhood development episodes also address interventions and treatments that help ensure children have the best possible start in life. The podcast series also includes a set of episodes that focus on the neurodevelopmental origins of addiction. These podcasts provide a definition of addiction as a brain disorder, and describes effective strategies to help prevent, intervene, and treat addiction. The goal of the podcast series is to give you the both the background knowledge on brain development and addiction, and the reflective skills to apply this knowledge to your practice. The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) created the podcast series as part of the Addiction e-Learning for Undergraduate Medical Education (UME), sponsored by the Norlien Foundation. The series is based on lectures from the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative, a knowledge mobilization initiative designed to translate scientific research into policy and practice. The lectures have been repurposed, with permission, for undergraduate medical education. Supplementary resources, including virtual patients and a Primer on the Neurobiology of Addiction, are also available at

Italian Cook Book, The by GENTILE, Maria

Italian Cook Book, The by GENTILE, Maria

One of the beneficial results of the Great War has been the teaching of thrift to the American housewife. For patriotic reasons and for reasons of economy, more attention has been bestowed upon the preparing and cooking of food that is to be at once palatable, nourishing and economical.

In the Italian cuisine we find in the highest degree these three qualities. That it is palatable, all those who have partaken of food in an Italian trattoria or at the home of an Italian family can testify, that it is healthy the splendid manhood and womanhood of Italy is a proof more than sufficient. And who could deny, knowing the thriftiness of the Italian race, that it is economical?

It has therefore been thought that a book of practical recipes of the Italian cuisine could be offered to the American public with hope of success. It is not a pretentious book, and the recipes have been made as clear and simple as possible. Some of the dishes described are not peculiar to Italy. All, however, are representative of the Cucina Casalinga of the peninsular Kingdom, which is not the least product of a lovable and simple people, among whom the art of living well and getting the most out of life at a moderate expense has been attained to a very high degree. (Preface of the book)