Search for "environmental health"

Health Tech Weekly

Health Tech Weekly

The Health Tech Weekly show is a program designed to bring you brief updates on ways technology (both high tech and low tech) impact your everyday lives. Specifically, each episode will focus on technology and health or fitness applications in the real world. This program will bring you the latest in gadgets and mobile apps for health and fitness as well as an occasional look at technology on the horizon, available soon. Your Health Tech Weekly host is Jamie Davis, the Podmedic, an RN and paramedic who also hosts the popular programs MedicCast and the Nursing Show.

Health Coach Donna

Health Coach Donna

Donna Parker is a Licensed acupuncturist and certified health coach who helps people live healthier happier lives.

Healthy Practice Podcast

Healthy Practice Podcast

Your veterinary practice is a place where patients get the exceptional care they need and clients leave happy. What if your practice could also be a place where team members love coming to work in the morning, support and encourage each other, and are actively engaged in helping the practice grow? In this podcast, leadership consultant Randy Hall shares tools and strategies for building the kind of culture you’ve always wanted for your practice. He covers topics like attracting and hiring all-star employees, leading a fully engaged team, minimizing practice conflict, developing leaders on your team, and more. You’ll learn practical solutions for the biggest management and leadership challenges in veterinary medicine so you can start creating the practice you’ve been dreaming of.

Becker’s Healthcare Podcast

Becker’s Healthcare Podcast

The Becker's Healthcare Podcast is devoted to the people who power U.S. healthcare. Four new 15-minute episodes are released daily containing industry news, analysis and thought leadership from powerful healthcare decision-makers.

4x4 Health Podcast

4x4 Health Podcast

4x4 Health is on a mission to foster discussion around the major issues and advances shaping healthcare and health IT. We believe it opens the door for continuous innovation and for challenging the status quo. Each episode features an engaging leader on a mission to improve health care.

Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today

The world of technology and healthcare are every changing in new and novel ways. That's why we love healthcare IT so much. Join us as we discuss the latest healthcare and Health IT News meshed together in new ways which help generate ideas and new perspectives. Plus, we'll have a little fun along the way.

Health Coach Radio

Health Coach Radio

Conversations with some of the most successful entrepreneurs in health and wellness who are shining examples of how to make it in this business by being both a great coach and great entrepreneur.

Accelerated Health Radio

Accelerated Health Radio

Sara Banta, a Health Coach, natural supplement expert and mom of three teenagers interviews experts in health on how to Accelerate the Body, Mind and Spirit.

Accelerated Health Radio & TV is broadcast live Tuesdays at 4PM ET.

Accelerated Health TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (

Accelerated Health Radio Show is broadcast on W4HC Radio - Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (

Accelerated Health Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (

Colon Health Podcast

Colon Health Podcast

Interviews with the world's leading professionals and experts in gastroenterology, research, nutritional science, medical technology, and more. If it impacts your colon health, we cover it here on the Colon Health Podcast. Hosted by Dr. Dac Teoli & Ariel Bridges.

Radio Health Journal

Radio Health Journal

Each week, Radio Health Journal breaks down important news in medicine, science and technology with the help of world-renowned experts. Our three weekly segments will help guide you to a happier, healthier life – with some fun facts to share at dinner parties. Can magic mushrooms cure your depression? Have we outrun natural selection? Hosted by Elizabeth Westfield, Greg Johnson and Shel Lustig and produced by Kristen Farrah and Amirah Zaveri. New shows posted each Sunday by 5 a.m. EST. Subscribe, listen, and rate. If you’re looking for older episodes, you can find our entire segment catalog on our website Also, check out the latest on Facebook and Instagram @radiohealthjournal and on X @RadioHealthJrnl.