Why the Freethought Community Should Support GLBT Rights

Atheists Talk Cable Show - Video show

Summary: Atheists Talk cable program by Minnesota Atheists. "Why the Freethought Community Should Support GLBT Rights" recorded 2/2/2012
 James Zimmerman interviewed GLBT activist Arthur Schultz on the anti-marriage constitutional amendment proposal appearing on the ballot this November in Minnesota, including the exact wording and what will change if the measure passes or fails. Schultz offered reasons why atheists, agnostics, Humanists, and other freethinkers should be concerned about the rights and freedoms of the GLBT community regardless of whether they themselves are gay or lesbian. Arthur noted that the current legislative bias against the GLBT community has its roots in religion, and he offered rebuttals to common objections to GLBT rights. After giving details about the GLBT population in Minnesota, Schultz provided resources for how freethinkers can assist in the cause and learn more. Minnesota Atheists practices positive, inclusive, active, friendly neighborhood atheism in order to: - Provide a community for atheists - Educate the public about atheism - Promote separation of state and church http://www.mnatheists.org/