Cultivate Simple 14: Small vs. Far

Cultivate Simple Podcast show

Summary: An honest and unrehearsed discussion about trying to live a more simple life. This is episode 14 and today we are discussing Small vs. Far. Small vs. Far Homegrown/raised/seasonal Local small farm if possible Local Organic Local non-organic Small farm organic USA Small farm USA Small Company Organic (peanut butter) Chart from Cornucopia Institute about who owns organic labels Best Raisins EVER!!!! Chaffin Family Orchards - Where we buy our olives. Watch their YouTube video. They are the real deal when it comes to permaculture on a large scale. Geeky Corner w/ Brian Dropbox - Get Susy some bonus space Keep files in sync on multiple computers (home to work) Backup files to the cloud Share folders and files (even large files)