A Tale of Two Sorrows, Part 2 (Matthew 26-27)

Grace to You: Video Podcast show

Summary: A couple of weeks ago I had the wonderful joy of being at the high school camp, Regeneration camp down in New Mexico with 900 high school kids. Just a delight, just a wonderful time, and I think there were four or five hundred from Grace Church and then others from other churches around the southwest. And I put together a message just for them, just going through some things in my reading in the New Testament, and the Lord kind of laid on my heart a message, and I presented it to them. And they responded very well. And as a result of that, Austin Duncan, who wields a lot of power around here--our high school...our college pastor now...former high school pastor--came to me and said, "You have to preach that at Grace, because you all need to know what your children heard at camp."...