The World and Everything in It - Jan 12 2013

The World and Everything In It show

Summary: New national security team, Cal Thomas, Vice President Joe Biden's talks on gun control, Supreme Court rejects challenge to President Obama stem cell research, January pro-life series with Hadley Arkes, 'Downton Abbey,' Open Door releases persecution list, pastor taken to court for speech in foreign country, John Stonestreet on the persecuted church, Georgia Power to shut coal plants, markets and the economy, Pastor Louie Giglio forced to bow out of inauguration, notable speech by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Robert George on marriage, reality TV show women struggling with aftermath of abortion, redeeming ‘Hallelujah,’ The History Book, and more.The World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.