Push To Regen - Episode 17

Push To Regen show

Summary: Heyyyy! We made a podcast! And I didn't screw up the save file this time! That's right, we're back - Episode 17b, 17 Part Deux, 17 the Lesser…whatever you wanna call it, is FINALLY in your ears. This episode sees the guys go over the usual - news, preview, and whatnot. We talk about the AMAZING 12 Days of Clixmas, as well as going over previews of some Amazing figures from the upcoming Spider-Man set. A battle between a family of bats and some New Warriors took place in Crime Alley - our Common Justice pieces included a girl and a red purse, and a guy who called himself Prime before there were Prime figures. All that, and we do our 2012 year in review, giving you our Top 5 Figures, 5 Things We Felt Missed the Boat, Favorite Special Object, Favorite Map, and Overall Favorite Set. And to close it out, as always, we hear from you, our amazing listeners. And we hear from Nate, who is decidedly less amazing than you. Hashtags to discuss this weeks show! #MahBeard #PTArmy #RichardRyderCrippledBatgirl #OtherNameForRichard Visit the shows website at http://pushtoregen.com! You can contact the show in the following ways: pushtoregen@gmail.com,@pushtoregen on Twitter, or by posting a comment about the episode you just listened to, either on the Podbean site - http://pushtoregen.podbean.com, or feel free to leave us a rating and a review on iTunes! Give us a buzz on our Google Voice number (during normal waking hours on the east coast) at 321-236-2549. Also, Like us on Facebook, and join in the discussion! We'll also have a thread started in the A/V section of HCRealms! Don’t be afraid to push!