DARK SIDE #035 - Sex and BDSM

The Dark Side show

Summary: THE DARK SIDE BDSM EDUCATIONAL PODCAST This week Dark Angel and KnotNice explore the interesting topic of Sex and BDSM. Sex and BDSM, a Threadcast; Numerous listeners postings on this topic were read and discussed. Dark Angel and KnotNice talk of their own experiences with sex and BDSM, sex and D/s, sex and Service, sex and M/s - and how they mix; sharing their own views and experiences. Sponsor : TEASE 2011 NEWS #1 : Idaho doctor's idea: Colonoscopy reminders in tax notices NEWS #2 : Italian couple's marriage annulled after wife thought about having affair PODCAST SHOUT-OUT - Dungeon Voice EVENT - Toronto Sexapalooza The Dark Side hopes everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and wish all a happy new year. Be well, Dark Angel