Immigration Enforcement in the United States: The Rise of a Formidable Machinery

Migration Policy Institute Podcasts show

Summary: This Migration Policy Institute event discusses the findings of MPI’s major report, Immigration Enforcement in the United States: The Rise of a Formidable Machinery, which assesses the evolution of the current-day immigration enforcement system in the United States. Moderating the discussion is MPI President Demetrios Papademetriou. The report authors discuss the following topics: MPI Senior Fellow Doris Meissner provides an overview of the report and its findings on border enforcement and data systems; Muzaffar Chishti, Director, MPI Office at NYU School of Law, discusses workforce enforcement and the interplay of immigration enforcement and the criminal justice system; and MPI Nonresident Senior Fellow Donald Kerwin discusses the report’s review of detention and removals. Download the Full Report Download the Report in Brief Watch the full eventDownload Standard Podcast