Toni Petrinovich, Teacher, Author

Awake: Now What? show

Summary: Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich is a Master Teacher, metaphysician and quantum physics researcher who instructs spiritual seekers how to see, hear, understand and express from their core through their heart, the voice of the soul . . . and into infinity. Toni is clairvoyant, clairaudient and kinesthetically aware of the invisible world assisting others to access these dimensions, also.  Through the heart, the voice of the soul, she teaches people the value of absolute forgiveness through the ritual of absolution. "Only through Absolution will you reach the Absolute." As a Master Teacher, Toni is absolutely committed to assisting all spiritual seekers around the globe to remember they are Source in form in this incarnation.  Through the principles of metaphysics, the expanding language of quantum physics and sacred etheric initiations, she literally opens the doorway to see the unseen and live the soul's desire in this dimension. Toni is the author of The Call – Awakening the Angelic Human and You – A Field, Finding an End to Seeking, DeLight of the Orbs, Speaking of Light.  She is internationally acclaimed as a compassionate, inspirational and experienced Teacher. Paralegal, finance manager, local Red Cross chairman and disaster relief coordinator are a few of the hats Toni has worn over the years. During her work with the Holy Order of MANS, Toni patrolled the streets of San Francisco in her clerical garb ministering to the ending Haight Ashbury era inhabitants, the impoverished and inebriated.  For more information go to and