HEALTH CARE REFORM in Massachusetts (2006) and Nationally (2010), by Dr. Dharma E. Cortés.

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Summary: By Rodrigo Brandão On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed his comprehensive health care reform bill into legislation, marking a major milestone for our nation as well as our health care system. While this is an important step in health care access, with more than 30 percent of uninsured Americans being Hispanic, many questions still arise. “No One Asked Me” – Latinos’ Experiences with Massachusetts Health Care Reform, a study commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and conducted by Dr. Dharma E. Cortés, Senior Research Associate of the Gastón Institute for Latino Public Policy and Community Development at the University of Massachusetts Boston, took an in depth view at Latinos’ experiences with the Massachusetts Health Care Reform law. In 2006, Massachusetts became the first state to implement a statewide regulation for accessibility to health care. Many similarities exist between this state’s bill and the national bill and the experiences faced by Latinos locally can begin an early dialogue to ensure the gap in health care access is bridged. Download Standard Podcast