Thursday Specials: How to Detox Naturally and Benefits of Travel for the Body

 Radio Show for Women: Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina Wardas  show

Summary: Join us on our special Thursday when we have holistic health and wellness experts who discuss topics to help you feel and look fabulous. 9:30 am PT - Irina Wardas, certified holistic health counselor, founder of and host of "Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina" discusses the very first steps to a simple detox to feel and look fabulous. 10:00 am PT Zoe Dawes,a founder of Quirky Traveler on talking about Travels of the Body: This is about physical travel and how beneficial it is for us to get our bodies moving to new places and trying out new experiences, and even maybe pushing physical boundaries. Quirky Traveller is a lover of all forms of travel – Mind, Body and Spirit. Living and working in and around one of the most beautiful parts of the world, the Lake District, in the North West of England, ensures that Zoe gets a daily does of all three. She has got Italian, Spanish, Irish, French and Scottish ancestors and has worked and travelled across the globe, from America to the Far and Middle East, Australasia and Africa. Zoë writes regularly for travel websites and shares her quirky stories and recommendations for travel on her Quirky Traveller Blog.