SB66: Episode 98 Baby Brain and Emails

Starbase 66 show

Summary: While Kennedy swings through The City in his Spidey underoos, Ro Karen and the somewhat brain damaged Admiral go over some news and some emails. Show notes: No, the Starbase hasn't been invaded by Lilliputian zombies. That's just the Admiral, suffering from a massive case of "We had a Starbaby!" syndrome. We suspect it's a long-term condition. And with Kennedy off "web-slinging" in the wilds of Kanadia yet again (we've learned not to ask when such euphemisms are used), it's up to the Bajoran to keep things on track. Which explains a lot about the random nature of this week's episode. A lot. Then again, any episode that begins with the Admiral giggling is bound to be enjoyable! We kick this flea, free throw into gear with a "Grew Review" of Ro's birthday present from her Beloved: an Amazon Kindle. ( Lots of free books available, smexy futuristic design, but can e-Readers do to real books what digital music and movies are doing to CDs and DVDs? And why, oh why, isn't there a TARDIS Kindle cover? Oh, wait. ( Then somehow, Bones comes up. No, not Dr. McCoy. Bones Deschanel. Dressed as Wonder Woman. ( We'd buy that for a dollar. The Admiral then lays down the edict that Ro must track down Lynda Carter before the restraining order kicks in (we're kidding, of course. That restraining order went into effect YEARS ago), before launching into a bit more gushing over the remastered version of the Original Series. And finally, we begin with e-mails! Featured submissions from this episode came to us from Colin, Karl (Valdora), Steven (Kazon Nystrøm), Deepa (DesiLady), and Shane (tokenbg). Colin thanks the crew for taking the Roddenberry pilots bullet for listeners (we're still healing from the dink damage ( and asks a question that somehow brings up pigs in kilts, ( Karl shares Ro and Kennedy's uncanny love for the X-Men, while Steven mourns the loss of Superman's red skivvies, which launches a tangent about the new Superman movie costume: ( Sorry. Wrong file. That's from Kennedy's fantasy folder. We meant this new Superman movie costume: ( Ooh. Bulgy. Actually, that might be from Kennedy's fantasy folder, too. At some point during this part of the discussion, the Admiral reveals a fetish that he may or may not share with Ro pertaining to footwear, right before that tricksy Bajoran sneaks in a mention of Anne Hathaway's recent rap dalliance, just so she could post this video: We here at the Starbase applaud all forms of creative outlets that end with Ms. Hathaway uttering the line "I know you love to feel my pop." Deepa dips back to the crew's vivid Voyager vivisection episode and joins the fanbase for the GeeksOn Garrett Wang interview ( that we love so much. Mention is made of that Tim Russ Trek movie, Of Gods and Men (not Gods and Monsters, ( which is a completely different movie, Admiral), which is once again online for viewing ( (if you dare), and a Mulgrewian apology ( for her reaction to teh sexy drone on her ship. Kind of. Okay, maybe not. Finally, we round things out with Shane's response to Karen Hears a Who ( and the withholding of British scorn. For now.