Michigan At Risk: Pt. 1- Correctional Cuts & Public Safety

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: ****TIME CHANGE FOR I.U. RADIO LIVE --- After Sunday, January 5, 2013 -- Independent Underground Radio LIVE broadcast times will change to Tuesday & Thursday 11am - 1pm Eastern Standard Time.*** Special Guest Expert for this segment of Michigan At Risk - is Michigan Corrections Organization Local-526 M President Tom Tylutki at 11:15 AM ET, discussing how cuts to the State Prison System is impacting employees and the public safety. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Weekend Political Talk podcast Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news, unemployment and more. Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer of I.U. News, is an experienced grassroots and elected local political leader and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day.   Tune into I.U. Radio Tuesday & Thursday’s from 11:00 AM-1:00PM EDT & call with your robust opinions at 347-934-0185.