Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Midnight Movie Club show

Summary: Put away your Xander, ignore your Willow and hide your Giles and Spike CDs because this week Dan and Lee are watching the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer film for their Season Two finale!  This is the 1992 Fran Rubel Kuzui directed film starring Kirsty Swanson and Luke Perry that came before the acclaimed television series. Now as this is the finale episode there is a remarkable amount of silliness going on and you are not promised a completely coherent podcast like the boys usually serve up... ...well you know. A big thanks to Andrew of the podcast Podcast Squared for taking part in the Three of the Best. So the boys are riding off into the sunset for a well earned break, Lee is apparently excited to watch movies made within the last 10 years and Dan is building himself a Blue Beetle costume during his holiday*. What does this mean for you though?!? Well if you can just hang on for a week the boys are joining the Casta La Vista boys in another amazing crossover as they come together to celebrate the film Romancing the Stone. So that's not next week, but the week after and then you have to wait another week and then Lee and Dan will be back with season 3... or it may be the week after... or ummm ahhhhhhhh Yay holidays!!! Share your thoughts or your hopes and dreams in the comments! *May be a lie. Oh, and excuse us while we claim-my-podcast-in-podbean{scid-bWlkbW9jbHVi-ecid}