Discover & Express Your Life’s Purpose: Interview with Crystal Andrus

Dr. Steve Maraboli show

Summary: Steve welcomes back best-selling author Crystal Andrus for an empowering conversation about discovering your purpose. Do you find yourself drifting, wondering why you’re here—what your true purpose is? Do you wish you could express your greatest gifts and be rewarded for them? Do you know what you are capable of, and are you ready to stop settling with satisfaction? We all have a purpose ... a reason why we were put on this earth. When we aren’t living in alignment with who we really are, we feel the aching emptiness. We’re exhausted, depressed, frustrated, and/or confused. We know there must be more, but we aren’t sure how to find it. During this powerful conversation, you will discover how to: • Connect with your truth, needs, dreams and desires • Channel your guilt, fear, anger and disappointment into courage, willingness and faith • Discover how and why you’ve been unconsciously stopping yourself from accessing your truth • Learn to express your gifts in a way that is rewarded by the world.