Eric Fletcher On Intrepid Radio!

be intrepid. show

Summary: Episode 16 of Intrepid Radio brings us Eric Fletcher, who serves as CMO of large, national law firm. He and I met virtually a few weeks back when we both were a part of Alicia Arenas' March Marketing Madness project... Eric and I had an interesting discussion about how the recent recession impacted - and forever changed - marketing of the service industry, large law firms, and professional services. We debated how big time law firms compete in a brutally competitive marketplace, and how law should integrate social media. We talked about leadership (or lack thereof) in our politics and culture, as well as the latest project coming from The Social CMO coming later this year... For your reference, we mention The Social CMO in the interview, and you can find Eric Fletcher on Twitter here... ### [join my free intrepid newsletter] [subscribe to the blog feed] [subscribe to my podcast via iTunes]