Steve Jones on Intrepid Radio – Brand Like A Rock Star

be intrepid. show

Summary: A pleasure to welcome Steve Jones to Intrepid Radio, author of Brand Like A Rock Star: Lessons From Rock and Roll To Make Your Business Rich and Famous. Let me just say this. This is one of the most entertaining books I've read in a long while. It is takes the experiences and stories of rock and roll artists, and applies those lessons to branding your business. Trust me when I say, you will learn something from this read. And have a damn good time doing it. [see special video bonus below - an intrepid companion piece to the book!] Highlights from the show: 1. We talked about the Grateful Dead, and how they built an international brand by sharing, and giving things away. 2. Jimmy Buffet built an international following selling an experience. It isn't about your is about the experience surrounding your product. 3. How the Sex Pistols challenged the status quo, and why your business should too... 4. How KISS excels at being different, and why that matters to your branding. You get attention when you do something no one has ever seen before... 5. Is there a business lesson from the Jamaican bobsled team? Find out by listening... 6. What can you learn from Harley-Davidson? 7. Is all hype good for you and your business? Or are you better off with honesty, transparency and a wee bit of humanity instead? [hint: get a taste of the other artists talked about in this book by scrolling down...] You can learn more about the book and blog here. And you can purchase the book here: So, what I thought I'd do is make a companion supplement to the book. Featured below are videos from most of the rock stars featured in Steve's book. Enjoy, and play along whilst reading the book!