The Doers Vs. The Hiders

be intrepid. show

Summary: Spending time on the social web like I do, I observe a lot of people. I find this time fascinating. It is how I observe the market, attempt to discern trends, and of course, keep tabs on what my friends, clients, and prospects are thinking about. But one thing does frustrate me. And that is when I observe countless amounts of people attending event after event, meetup after meetup, conference after conference, and networking event after networking event. I am not judging these people. I wish I had more time to hang at these events. But I sure wish I understood how in the hell they have the time to do this? In fact, it gets me wondering: Am I so poor at time management that I am unable to make the time to attend these things? Or is it that I am busy with client project work - or in my studio - that I just don't have the time? Are these people just so much better at time management than me? Or are they not doing as much project work as me, and thus have more time? Or is it that some people are battling the resistance, and hiding from doing the work? Someone told me that I haven't been as active on Twitter as usual. I, of course, said that I had been busy. Don't you understand I've got work to do, I thought to myself?? There are two types of leaders: those that DO, and those that tell you how to DO. The first batch have ZERO time to futz online all day. They are out doing. The second batch seem to be able to spend countless hours on the social web each day, speaking at every conference, making guest appearances on podcasts, and authoring books on how to DO... I am not judging these folks. I admire their ability to pull it off. I just wonder who we really want to emulate? ### [join my merry band of intrepid doers, and hack life and business with us!] [h/t to julien for planting this idea in my mind. thanks for the lost sleep...] [photo from flickr]