Colin Wright on IntrepidTV [audio-only]

be intrepid. show

Summary: I published a series of IntrepidTV episodes around the turn of the year that were originally - and obviously - published on video. I've gotten a bunch of requests for the audio-only versions of four episodes (Julien Smith, David Meerman Scott, Jonathan Fields, and Amber Rae). I also had a bunch of requests for Colin Wright and Jason Falls, which were recorded way back in the fall that I will republish as audio-only soon too... So, this is the fourth of those six, Colin Wright. You can view the original broadcast on IntrepidTV with Colin here. [Oh, and rumor is, he will be swinging through Atlanta late March/early April. And yeah, he and I have been in touch to get him and crew in the studio to talk about their latest adventures...and perhaps get into other trouble while they are in town...] From now on, all episodes filmed for the TV show will also be available on mp3 for download at the time the original conversation is published. Enjoy my conversation with Colin Wright on his latest projects, minimalism, and world travel! ### [by the way, you are encouraged to subscribe to the Intrepid Radio podcast on iTunes here, and you won't miss a thing from here on out!]