10 Benefits To Podcasting [New Audio!]

be intrepid. show

Summary: You may or may not know that I offer a FREE Content Marketing Course. You can sign-up for this course RIGHT HERE. The goal of the course is to help business folks get a better handle on the ins and outs of content marketing. So, I've created, and constantly update, a 30-part weekly course on the strategy and the tactics behind content marketing. In this case, I just created some new audio content to add to the course, and I wanted to share it here. In this podcast, which you can listen to above, I talk about ten benefits to podcasting: 1. Builds rapport with your audience. Hearing your voice works wonders to deepen the connection. 2. Creating audio content is easy. I recorded the audio here via my smartphone. 3. Interview others to create good content for YOU. You don't always have to create from scratch. 4. Podcasts are easy to share on the internet. The social webs are great for sharing and spreading! 5. Published podcasts become indexed content on the search engines, helping your SEO. Just tie the audio to the appropriate keywords! 6. The interview process for your podcast becomes high-end networking for you. All everyone benefits. The interview process is a great way to learn about someone. 7. Your audio content is available 24 hours a day. Helpful content when your audience wants it! 8. If your podcast guest is a prospect, the show experience is a kick ass sales call. The experience is memorable and fun. 9. Reaching out to invite someone to your show is much easier approach than a sales cold-call. And more effective. A sales call puts people on the defensive. A radio show invitation does not. 10. The interaction builds trust, rapport, and a friendship. Much easier to sell this way. Once again, sign-up for my FREE "Workingman's Content Marketing Course" right here! ### [in addition to the above course, you can also sign-up here to learn more about intrepid business strategy!]