You Are A Writer, You Are A Creative

be intrepid. show

Summary: What will Jeff Goins tell you when you claim that you would like to be a writer? He'll say emphatically, "You are a writer." And his point is, until you believe and act that way, you will never do anything creative, especially writing. You see, I believe we are all creatives. But in my humble opinion, it isn't necessarily about talent, it is about belief. And that's the message from Jeff Goins. We welcomed Jeff back to the show to discuss his latest e-book, You Are A Writer, So Start Acting Like One. Here are some of the highlights of the conversation in today's show notes: 1. "Writing is really simple. But that doesn't mean it is easy." 2. "Writers are born, and not made." 3. This doesn't just apply to writing, it applies to all skills that you have. You must believe that you are a photographer, an entrepreneur, a painter... 4. We explore why people are afraid to make bold claims about what they believe they are, or want to be. Once you make the claim, you now feel a burden to produce, and many people, frankly, fear that burden. 5. Even though you want to be read, you need to write for yourself first. 6. "You are not a true, honest writer until you start to contradict yourself." Writing is sometimes a paradox. 7. "Art is supposed to be shared, to change things, and cause people to act." 8. "Stop writing for accolades, and start writing for passion." 9. Why a platform matters to writers (and creatives). And why establishing a brand is essential. 10. How do writers (and creatives) come up with ideas and inspiration... 11. "What holds most writers back is fear, not laziness. And it masks itself in the form of procrastination." 12. A discussion around how bloggers can repackage older blog content into fresh, current books to sell on Amazon. You can get the book here (affiliate link): ### Join our list to learn other ways to become more creative in both your life, and in your marketing.