Going Linux #146 Listener Feedback

Going Linux show

Summary: 00:00 Going Linux #146 - Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 02:14 Stitcher 04:10 Tom tries Ekiga 05:07 Chief Executive Minion Bill: Swiffy 06:55 Google Chrome features 09:15 Anonymous: Calling from iPod 10:03 Paul: Hooked on Linux Mint 14:14 Anonymous: How do I change Ubuntu's indicator applet? 17:09 Setve: Mac exploit required no click. A problem for Linux? 19:25 Hans: Comment on Larry’s description of Linus Torvalds’ homeland 21:27 David: Ignoring Computer America episodes again 24:58 Gordon: Linux AV scans for Windows viruses 26:52 Justin: Run Linux AV to protect your friends with Windows 27:38 Bradley: Update ClamAV with "freshclam" 29:48 Jeff: Try Ekiga as an alternative to Skype 31:01 Ilya: Ubuntu has a NetInstall from a mini ISO 37:59 Roger: DLNA Servers comparison table for streaming media 40:40 Use the "1" key in top to display separate processors details 41:58 Use Conky for desktop system monitor details 44:26 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 47:05 End