Ultimate Hook Up

Big Picture Science show

Summary: <p><span class="caps">ENCORE</span> Imagine moving things with your mind. Not with telekinesis, but with the future tools of brain science. Meet a pioneer in the field of computer-to-brain connection and discover the blurry boundary where the mind ends and the machine begins.</p> <p>Plus, how new technology is sharpening the “real” in virtual reality. And, whether our devotion to digital devices is changing what it means to be human. </p> <h2>Guests:</h2> <ul> <li> <strong><a href="http://www.nicolelislab.net/NLnet_Load.html">Miguel Nicolelis</a></strong> – Director for the Center for Neuroengineering at Duke University, and author of <i><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Boundaries-Neuroscience-Connecting-Machines---/dp/0805090525/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1309284891&amp;sr=1-1">Beyond Boundaries: The New Neuroscience of Connecting Brains with Machines and How it Will Change our Lives</a></i> </li> <li> <strong><a href="http://comm.stanford.edu/faculty/bailenson/">Jeremy Bailenson</a></strong> – Director of the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University and co-author of <i><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Infinite-Reality-Avatars-Eternal-Revolution/dp/0061809500">Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution</a></i> </li> <li> <strong><a href="http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/people/faculty/blascovich/index.php">Jim Blascovich</a></strong> – Psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara and co-author of <i><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Infinite-Reality-Avatars-Eternal-Revolution/dp/0061809500">Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution</a></i> </li> <li> <strong><a href="http://www.mit.edu/~sturkle/">Sherry Turkle</a></strong> – Professor of social studies of science and technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of <i><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Alone-Together-Expect-Technology-Other/dp/0465010210">Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less From Each Other</a></i> </li> </ul><p><strong><a href="http://www.seti.cl/podcast-del-instituto-seti-el-ultimo-enganche/">Descripción en español</a></strong></p> <p>First released July 4, 2011</p>