FREAKY FRIDAY Obummer, NLRB & Boeing Battle Field! - Jun 03,2011

Southern Sense Conservative Talk show

Summary: Today we HAD hoped to have SC Attorney General Alan Wilson call in to discuss the attack by the National Labor Relations Board against Boeing locating a Dreamliner plant in the North Charleston Area in South Carolina. We will try for a later date..... Andrew Jackson said "One man with courage makes a majority ". We are the MAJORITY and SILENT NO LONGER! Speak out! Call in and make YOUR voice heard! Pop that fuse and fire off. FREAKY FRIDAY FIREPOWER is about our firing off on the weeks events and opinion pieces. Call in and tell us just what you think on Today's issues. Can You Hear Us NOW? Listen in on YouTube to this song! Obamacare, Health Care, Military, Veterans, Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Budget, 2012, Elections, Conservative, Immigration, Guns, NRA, Unions, Obama, Taxes, Illegal