HEALING HEROES - Helping Severely Wounded Veterans - Mar 13,2012

Southern Sense Conservative Talk show

Summary: Southern Sense welcomes Dick Clarke and Robert deTrevelle who are working in conjunction with the Independence Fund to host the Healing Heroes Golf Week. HHGW proceeds will be used to purchase one or more $17,000 ParaMobile, a stand up and play mobility device, for wounded veteran(s). The ParaMobile enables people with a variety of mobility impairments the ability to access their favorite outdoor activity safely. It is FDA Cleared as a Class 2 Medical Device and it's uses are only limited by your imagination. In the USA 603-860-7891 or Teachgolfeasy@aol.com for details. Remaining funds will be used to provide direct support and the tools, therapies, and guidance that those veterans severely injured in the War on Terror are otherwise not receiving. The Independence Fund is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c) 3 organization run by combat veterans. Event organizers or participants are not financially compensated and all proceeds benefit our wounded troops. To learn more, visit www.independencefund.org or www.ldw3.com. Participants should register early to ensure their slot in this patriotic event. Registration packets are available at most area pro shops. To register online, go to http://www.healingheroesgolfweek.com/.