Freedom Fighters - Apr 03,2012

Southern Sense Conservative Talk show

Summary: Today's show is in honor of and dedicated to the Memory of : Army Pvt. Kelley S. Prewitt. Killed April 3, 2004 in Iraq. Defending the Democratic Republic w/ BTR's afternoon Queen Annie "The Radio Chick" & King "COOL" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections. This afternoon get ready to let your voice be heard as we WELCOME everybody in our chat room as well as callers to STAND up and let your voice be heard on Southern Sense. Today YOU ARE A Defender of our REPUBLIC. Let us know what you want to see changed. So today in segment one: We honor the fallen and talk about some of the fund raisers going on all over The United States to honor those who served and sacrificed. Segment two : The Second Amendment our rights to bear arms & defend the REPUBLIC. The President wants Americans to register with the world when making A gun purchase. If The leader of our United States is NOT the biggest freedom fighter on the planet, then who will lead us into A FREE REPUBLIC? ? TSA ? take A look at who we are really concern about - Call / Join us let our voice be heard this afternoon!