Defending The Republic with John Selck & Rev. Sedlak - Aug 21,2012

Southern Sense Conservative Talk show

Summary: This show is dedicated to Army Spc. Krystal M. Fitts, 26 of Houston, TX, killed July 17, 2012 by indirect fire in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Defending the Democratic Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections Special Guest: Reverand Wayne Sedlak A graduate of Penn's Grove City College, as an All-American athlete and a prized student of one of the world's greatest propounders of the free market / private property order, Professor Hans Sennholz, Rev. Sedlak is a Christian intellectual, teacher, and broadcast guest. The pastor of Reformation Hope Church in Hartford, WI, he also heads an internet marketing company. Sepcial Guest: John Selck founder of the Biblical Worldview Broadcast Team. He then spent 20 years as a financial advisor. Mr. Selck began a biblical worldview roundtable in 2005, and it has become a veritable ?breeder reactor? for advanced biblical worldview teachers, several of whom are among this team of radio interviewees! His website is: It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Democratic Republic!