Show #031 – Toastmasters and Social Media Today

TDKtalks – Speaking Your Way to Better Leadership show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Social Media Progression<br> Today we are surrounded, even bombarded by <a title="Several Social Networking Tools for Toastmasters" href="" target="_blank">social media</a>. Media from the earliest of days to the latest of <a title="Some Social Networking Tools for Toastmasters" href="" target="_blank">social media</a>, which is either written, audio, video and pictoral. Learning how to effectively use our social network to our benefit is key.<br> In this interview I speak with one of our very own <a title="Home of ShawMasters Toastmasters Club #1994128" href="" target="_blank">ShawMasters Toastmaster Club</a> member, Sheila who also works as a journalist, producer and on-air host for <a title="Shaw Television" href="" target="_blank">Shaw TV</a>, where all our ShawMasters club members work. With that experience, she brings vital talent, experience and creative fun, to our weekly meetings. She tells us how she arrived at <a style="text-decoration: none;" href=";q=Shaw%20TV&amp;partner=afa" target="scSearchLink">Shaw TV</a> and some memorable interviews.<br> We have printed media in the form of newspapers and magazines. We have streaming audio and podcasts. We also have all out video on YouTube and Vimeo. Everyone prefers input in different forms. Some like to read, as from blogs. Some like snippets as from twitter. Some are visual learners so YouTube and Vimeo is their choice. Some are audible learners, so podcasts fit them very well. Also, at different times, we ourselves will prefer different information formats, according to our mood and how much time we have.<br> But not only are we pulling along traditional forms of media from the days of yore, but we have extended the traditional 3, that being print, audio and video, into the latest extension, social media online.<br> <a href=""></a>Social Media Variety<br> So print media is extended into online blogs. Audio media is extended into podcasts and online streaming. Video is extended into social media circles in the form of <a style="text-decoration: none;" href=";q=YouTube&amp;partner=afa" target="scSearchLink">YouTube</a> and Vimeo.<br> <br><br> <br>  You will also like<br> <a title="What You do When YOU Are The General Evaluator" href="" target="_blank">Show #012 – When YOU are the General Evaluator</a><br> or<br> <a title="Listen to Show #013 - When YOU are the VP Membership" href="" target="_blank">Show #013 – When YOU are the VP Membership</a><br> –<br>