Friday News Roundup - Domestic

WAMU-FM: WAMU: The Diane Rehm Show Podcast show

Summary: <p>The 113th Congress has been sworn in and it's the most diverse in history. It includes the first Hindu in the Senate, and the first openly bisexual woman in the House. Republican Congressman John Boehner is re-elected House Speaker despite some opposition in his own party. A deal is reached on the fiscal cliff but big battles still loom on the debt and government spending. The economy added 155,000 jobs in December. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she'll return to work next week after being hospitalized for a blood clot. And Al Jazeera buys Current TV from Al Gore.David Corn of Mother Jones magazine, Jeanne Cummings of Bloomberg News and syndicated columnist Michael Gerson join guest host Tom Gjelten to discuss the week's top national stories.</p>