Ordinary Radicals, recovering being Ekklesia

mootuk show

Summary: <a href="http://www.ian-mobsby.blogspot.com">Ian Mobsby</a>, at Grace Cathedral San Francisco addresses the Contemplative Eucharist congregration on his US &amp; Canadian Tour promoting the book the <a href="http://www.ytcpress.com">becoming of G-d</a>. Ian explores Matthew 10:24-39, to re-explore the radicalness of the Christian faith and why it was such a threat to the Roman Empire in the early church period. Ian then explores the implications of this for being contemporary ordinary Christian radicals and the vision of the emerging/fresh expressions of church.  This homily was part of an alternative congregation at Grace Cathedral of the <a href="http://www.diocal.org">Episcopal Diocese of California</a>(Bay Area). <br> <br> As God expresses identity in the Trinity, the Becoming of G-d, so we are called to follow God and find identity in being Christian Community, where we become Human Becomings as the visible body of Christ.  If we live there, then we can catch up with what God is doing to bring hope, justice and belonging to the world. <a href="http://mootuk.podbean.com/mf/web/e2ruik/iansanfrancisco220608.mp3">Download Standard Podcasts</a><br>