Ancient Faith Future Mission

mootuk show

Summary: <br> May 2009 saw the launch of the new book, Ancient Faith Future Mission: fresh expressions in the sacramental tradition <a href=";s=books&amp;qid=1244144859&amp;sr=8-1">[Link in Uk]</a> [<a href=";s=books&amp;qid=1244144941&amp;sr=8-1">Link in USA</a>]. At the London book launch, Stephen Cottrell the Anglican Bishop of Reading, and Richard Giles the former Dean of Philidelphia Cathedral both gave short addresses on the issue of fresh expressions and mission in the catholic tradition.  This was followed by a panel discussion with practitioners Michael Volland (Gloucester Cathedral), Sue Wallace (Visions York), Tessa Holland (Contemplative Fire Chichester), Philip Roderick (Contemplative Fire Oxford), Carl Turner (Precentor Exeter Cathedral), Simon Rundell (Blessed Gosport), Ian Mobsby (Moot London).<br> <a href="">Download Standard Podcasts</a><br>