More Oil... Plus the Isreali "Attack" on Flotilla? | Secret Truths | Conspiracy Theories Exposed | Podcast #17

SECRET TRUTHS :: Conspiracy Theories Exposed show

Summary: Who is really to blame for this catastrophe? Are the Democrats or Republicans on the right track? Tony Hayward still in charge of BP, but for how much longer?And the oil spill isn't the only hot topic in the world...Deadly force used on flotilla of Turkish "Peace Activists" to enforce the Isreali blockade of Gaza. Secret Truths | Conspiracy Theories ExposedEach week Mark Willison and Scott Paton share cutting edge thoughts, facts, factoids and theories about what's really going on in the world. Ever wonder why certain inane behaviors occur from seemingly intelligent people. So do we.We also wonder at the blatant lies that our governments and officials feeds us. So we are going to express our opinions here and on our secret website: Join us! RESOURCES: