Episode 50 of Speculate! – Ian Tregillis Author Interview

Speculate! show

Summary: <a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10387413-the-coldest-war" rel="attachment wp-att-619"></a><br> Welcome back for Episode 50 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  We celebrate turning 50 (that sounds less ominous when we’re talking about episode numbers, somehow) with an interesting interview with <a href="http://www.iantregillis.com/">Ian Tregillis</a>, author of the alternative history series The Milkweed Triptych (he likes that last word as much as we do).  Here we get a chance to talk to Ian about alternative history, how Nazis and warlocks make a cool mixture for speculative fiction purposes, and other miscellaneous subjects like covers, audiobooks and batboys, not necessarily in that order.  If you like what you hear, don’t forget to tune in next week when we’ll start our next triptych of shows on <a href="http://www.saladinahmed.com/">Saladin Ahmed</a>‘s <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Throne-Crescent-Moon-Kingdoms/dp/0756407117">Throne of the Crescent Moon</a>.  Until then, thanks as always for listening to the show, and please continue to spread the word!<br>