Ten years since Milosevic: His wars and legacy

The Frontline Club show

Summary: When the Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic was ousted from power it brought to an end a 13-year rule that had seen the country torn apart by bloody conflict, with thousands of people killed. The man who had been feted by world leaders at the height of his powers as Serbian President in 1995 was forced out of office amid street protests and a general strike after losing the September 2000 election and later faced trial in the Hague for war crimes in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo. Ten years after the October 5th revolution we will be bringing together journalists, fillmmakers and experts who were there to discuss these remarkable events and their impact. What was the legacy of the former President who died in his cell in 2006? Chaired by Bill Neely, International Editor for ITV News. With: Steve Crawshaw, international advocacy director, Amnesty International and co-author of Small Acts of Resistance How courage, tenacity and ingenuity can change the world; Norma Percy, co-executive producer (with Brian Lapping) of the BBC series, The Fall of Milosevic; Allan Little, BBC News special correspondent and programme presenter; Maggie O'Kane, editorial director of GuardianFilms and former foreign correspondent with the newspaper, she has covered most of the world's major conflicts over the last decade.