A safer world? What does Osama bin Laden’s death mean for Pakistan, Afghanistan and the West?

The Frontline Club show

Summary: After the tracking down and killing of Osama bin Laden by a U.S. special operations team the questions have come thick and fast. At our May First Wednesday we are hoping to throw light on some of them: What impact will the death of Osama bin Laden have on Al Qaeda and on the people who support its cause? We will be bringing together a panel of experts to discuss what impact his death will have on extremist Islamic groups and to look at the implications for Pakistan now that it has emerged that the Al Qaeda leader was hiding in Abbotabad. We will also be discussing what Osama bin Laden's discovery so close to Pakistan's capital means for Afghanistan where the 'War on Terror' was launched. The operation to kill bin Laden will improve President Obama's standing in the US and the West, but what does it mean for US foreign policy? How it will play out on the ground, particularly in Asia and the Middle East? Chaired by Humphrey Hawksley, leading BBC foreign correspondent, author and commentator on world affairs. With: Lynne O'Donnell, former bureau chief in Kabul for AFP, and the author of High Tea in Mosul: The True Story of Two Englishwomen in War-torn Iraq. She is the recipient of a 2010 Human Rights Press Award for coverage of the plight of Afghan women; Dr Farzana Shaikh, associate fellow of the Asia Programme, at Chatham House and author of Making Sense of Pakistan; Aamer Ahmed Khan, head of BBC Urdu Service; Rosemary Hollis, professor of Middle East policy studies and director of the Olive Tree Programme at City University; Zaki Chehab, Arab journalist, editor-in-chief of ArabsToday.net, the largest Arabic-language news website and author of Iraq Ablaze: Inside the Insurgency and Inside Hamas: The Untold Story of the Militant Islamic Movement