First Wednesday: Iran’s Green Revolution and the Arab Spring

The Frontline Club show

Summary: In June 2009 the world's eyes were on Iran as people took to the streets in support of defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. Two years on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has held onto the presidencey, although it is believed that the balance of power is moving away from him as he struggles with his former patron, Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei. We will be discussing what is happening at the heart of Iran's government and examining what has happened to the people's movement since 2009 at June's First Wednesday. What impact have the protests in the Arab world and the toppling of Egypt's and Tunisia's leaders had inside Iran? Are we likely to see protests on the scale of 2009 in the future? Paddy O'Connell of BBC Radio 4's Broadcasting House will be back in the chair for June's First Wednesday, giving you the opportunity to question a panel of experts. With: Saeed Kamali Dehghan, award-winning Iranian journalist who writes for The Guardian. He was named 2010 Journalist of the Year at the Foreign Press Association Awards; Sanam Dolatshahi, producer for BBC Persian TV interactive programme; Potkin Azarmehr, Iranian born blogger and activist; Lindsey Hilsum, International editor of Channel 4 News; Nazenin Ansari, Iranian journalist working as the diplomatic editor of Kayhan London, a weekly Persian-language newspaper.