Kevin Macdonald in Conversation

The Frontline Club show

Summary: Academy Award winning Director Kevin Macdonald will be joining us for a special evening at the Frontline Club. Kevin will be discussing his most recent film Life in a Day, a project using entirely crowd-sourced footage chronicling the world's experience over the course of twenty-four hours. We will also take a look at his career to date, from his Oscar-winning documentary One Day in September, about the murder of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics to Touching the Void, one of the most successful documentaries in British history. In 2006 Kevin directed the multi-award winning Last King of Scotland which tells the relationship between Idi Amin and his young Scottish doctor and followed this with the excellent documentary, My Enemy's Enemy which focused on the one-time Gestapo commander Klaus Barbie, infamously known as "The Butcher of Lyon." In 2009 Kevin adapted the BBC drama State of Play into a feature film starring Russell Crowe. Life in a Day is one of two films Kevin has released this year, The Eagle is a fictional film which tells the story of a young Roman officer searching to recover the Roman eagle standard of his father's legion. Being one of the few directors to work successfully within both documentary and fiction, Kevin has a fascinating insight into the film world across the variety of methods and techniques he has used to create some of the most interesting and powerful films of the last two decades. Kevin's directorial work: The Making of an Englishman (1995) Chaplin's Goliath (1996) The Moving World of George Rickey (1997) Howard Hawks: American Artist (1997) Donald Cammell: The Ultimate Performance (1998) One Day in September (2000) Humphrey Jennings (2000) A Brief History of Errol Morris (2000) Being Mick (2001) Touching the Void (2003) The Last King of Scotland (2006) My Enemy's Enemy (2007) State of Play (2009) The Eagle (2011) Life in a Day (2011)