THIRD PARTY EVENT: Looking back - moving forward? A humanitarian perspective

The Frontline Club show

Summary: Third party event organised by Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute. From the popular uprisings in the Middle East, to the intervention in Libya, and now the tragedy unfolding in the Horn of Africa, many of this year’s top stories have been dominated by humanitarian issues. In this end of year debate, leading figures from the humanitarian world gather to discuss the main challenges to protecting and assisting people caught up in conflict and disaster. They will also explore prospects for principled humanitarian action in 2012. Chaired by Jonathan Rugman, Channel 4 News foreign affairs correspondent. With: Sara Pantuliano, head of the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute; Dennis McNamara,  senior humanitarian adviser at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue; Leslie E Norton, the director general of the Canadian International Development Agency’s International Humanitarian Assistance Directorate; Manuel Aranda da Silva, director of Policy, Planning and Strategy, World Food Programme.