DEE WALLACE: The Greatest Challenge of 2013!

Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: What better way to begin the New Year than to have Dee Wallace give us her latest and greatest perspective on what’s ahead?  In this interview, Dee reveals what she thinks will be the greatest challenge of 2013 and what you can do to make it your breakthrough year! You will also hear her perspective on the tragic events of Newtown, what it means on a higher level, and much more. Dee has this amazing life that includes singing, dancing, acting, writing, and healing. As a healer, she has highly developed intuitive skills. When she works with clients,  she cuts right through to the issue with laser-like insights. . Most times, what you thought was the “problem,” wasn’t it at all. And that’s why her work is so profound and so important to the thousands of people all over the world whom she touches weekly. For more information about Dee and the amazing new 10 month teleclass she begins this year, check out her website at: and look for “The Shift Hits the Fan II!”