Casey, Crime Photographer – Music To Die By. 480205.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As the hour grows late in the apartment building, a married couple complains about their neighbor who likes to play the radio music a little loud. Other neighbors have a gripe about it too, but nobody wants to rock the boat and approach Mrs Walsch about turning it down. It takes the supervisor doing something about it, and to everybody's surprise and horror, a body is discovered. Who shot Betty Walsch? Casey joins the cops to describe the details at the crime scene, and give account of the other residents. What clues are found? Casey then goes to the Blue Note to relax, and with Ann, he shares the points of the case with Ethylbert. Putting their heads together to analyze human nature, who will they figure is the prime suspect? It's back to the apartment building for more gathering of clues. With Ann, Casey develops a trap to lure a killer into complacency, and into showing their hand. Join the crowd in the Blue Note, and Casey will fill us in on the curious things that made him figure out the case and catch his killer.