Boston Blackie – Mrs Boston Blackie. 450606.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Political scandal threatens a candidate to drop out of the race. A woman claiming to be Mrs Boston Blackie is behind the blackmail scam. The story is that the man was involved as an innocent party in a scandal that Blackie promised he would keep silent about. If so, then how did the news leak out? How did Mrs Blackie find out about it? For that matter, is her claim to have been wed to Blackie true at all? Even Blackie is surprised to find his marriage license was duely registered, just as the woman claims. How did that happen? How will Blackie deal with a jealous Mary. Plenty of questions, and a huge mess for Boston Blackie. Can it get worse? Inspector Farraday arrives on the scene, and claims that Mrs Blackie is dead, and he thinks Blackie did it. Or maybe Mary did it out of jealousy. Solution time. Blackie makes up with Mary, and puts her under wraps to keep her from being blamed by Farraday. Next it's off to confront the political players. A gangster is connected with the events, andBlackie begins to put the pieces together. Now he just has to convince Farraday, and deliver the killer. Get ready for the big explanation, and learn how Blackie has fit all his clues together as the killer is handed over to the cops.