Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Carisio Diamond Matter. 500608.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: There's a matter of a stolen diamond, and a murdered body that has Johnny Dollar on the case. He goes to interview the family to learn what he can about the events, especially the missing diamond that his company insured. Who knew about the diamond, where it was, and the combination to the safe? Might the family lawyer hold some answers? Johnny uncovers a romance between the daughter and Carragan the lawyer. When Johnny gets too close to the truth, he gets a thump on the head for his troubles. The cops are called onto the case, and Betty, the daughter, becomes their main suspect when a gun with her fingerprints is found. Though the murder seems to be under control, Johnny is still an insurance investigator, and the diamond is yet to be found. Johnny finds yet another player in the story, a hired man to do the dirty work. It's the thug who slugged him, but he doesn't seem to know much more. Johnny is sure that when he finds the diamond, he'll find the killer as well. The widow holds the answer, but the danger and plot twists aren't over yet.