81. Flexibility and problem solving through drama

Raising Playful Tots |  Simple Parenting show

Summary: Hands up if you have a flexible and able problem solver at home? In today's interview we talk about how we can raise flexible and problem solving children. We also talk about a new series and some updates behind the scenes.  Laura Sydonie, actress, parent and business owner  is passionate about early years, special educational needs and drama. She's performed and taught in many different countries around the world. Currently Laura is the director of Theatre tots where she combines her experience and work with her two young children into Theatre tots. Theatre tots was a finalist in the 2011 best interactive business award from the Mumpreneur awards. Follow Laura on Twitter:: Facebook :: Newsletter Listen:: Listen to this week’s show | subscribe through iTunes | on-the-go device Show notes:: We learn: about Laura's passions and how it lead to Theatre Tots about the importance of drama and creativity in the early years about the best ways to encourage participation- or not! the importance of creative expression for all children by being inclusive practical ideas  to encourage creative expression, imagination or creativity? creative at home..... how to encourage children who don’t want to do it? details about the courses/classes on offer. 31 days to a more playful tot :: Simplemom questions :: Download the play audit :: Play-Activities.com Play-Activities.com/blog Have your say:: “Like” us on Facebook Join in with the topic of the week from the Podcast Add an honest review on iTunes :)